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Harry PoV
Turned out I had a cold, a wizards cold to be precise. Known for its unpleasant, emphasised symptoms.

My body longed for fresh air, the Hogwarts grounds as I stared out the window in the hospital wing. I stepped out and left the room quietly, directing myself outside. The chilly air swept around me, nearly knocking me off my already weak legs. The scarf did no justice to itself. I sat down on the grass and looked around at the flowers around me.

"Enjoying the view?" A voice spoke from behind me. I turned around and saw Tom, making his way next to me. "It's beautiful, the hospital wing is significantly dull compared to this" I answered. "My aunt used to make me tend to her garden a lot. I learnt to love it" I added softly.

" Flowers are so temporary, they wilt and die or drown in the rain. Magic can sustain them for longer." Tom spoke after a while handing me a once half-dead flower now charmed to be healthier. "Magic does prolong its life but when it's their time to die it's just fate." I responded. "Is that what you want to do?" I bravely asked. Tom looked at me and stared into my eyes. "Would you hate me?" He spoke. "Well if I were to be honest, you're not as pretty as these flowers, so maybe I will". "Greater things can be achieved when there's more time" he said. "Do you underestimate yourself?" I spoke whilst getting up but a hand pulled me back down.

"Harry, would you love someone like me?" Tom asked. I searched his face for a facade but was hit with emotions that made me wonder how does this kid turn into Voldemort, but then I saw the twinkle in his eye and realised that I'm the only one who has seen this side of him and I may be the only one ever. "Of course" I replied softly. "Why not?" I added.

"You make me confused. Sometimes I want to make you my enemy but sometimes a lover, but then what is love." He spoke. I stared at him and then in the distance I saw his faithful companions coming this way. I muttered the counter spell on the flower. "Well that's for you to decide then Tom, you don't have forever. Everything comes to an end." I whispered handing him the flower back but now dead.

I went to straight to the kitchens hoping to find Cedric and to my luck I did. "Ced" I shouted across the corridor. "Harry, you okay? You not supposed to out yet? Come on, back to the hospital wing." He rushed me along back to the place, I now called my prison.

I was instantly given potions and told to go to sleep to replenish my magic core. "Ced, we don't belong here" I whispered. Cedric looked at me sadly. " But I think we are forever stuck now" I added. Cedric platonically kissed my forehead and stayed for a bit.

After Cedric left, Orion came rushing into the room, making me smile at his energy. "Harry!! You okay? I saw you with Riddle outside. He didn't annoy you right?" Orion said whilst trying to breathe normally. "No it wasn't bad, but I really want to try out for the quidditch games." I spoke bouncing on the bed. The thrill is what I needed.

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