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                          。ₓ ू ₒ ु ˚ ू ₒ ु ₓ。

    Romantic things are some of the hardest things to explain to others. There's different levels of love, and in some cases you can earn them like how a video game would treat it. You have to level up your 'hero' or 'protagonist' with other NPCs. Life wasn't a dating sim or some RPG game though, you can't just mend everything with a simple gift that carries flowers or a book. No matter what someone does, they can never predict what another human would do.

    Kenma thought that maybe he too could be like the heros in his video games, ever since he was a kid he wished that. He craved that fictional love but always knew deep down that the world didn't work like that. Years afterwards, he's still the same old realist that everyone portrays him to be, that he didn't have some fantastical wish he wanted granted. However, if the boy was put in a situation where he would have to say it out loud, he would do his wish before even that. This wish wasn't anything big or grand like taking over the world (although that doesn't sound too shabby to him) or finding eternal happiness.

    Maybe though, now that him and his dear friend were older and (maybe) wiser, it would come true.

                          。ₓ ू ₒ ु ˚ ू ₒ ु ₓ。

    Today was a day that went very well, in the words of [Name] that is. Their favorite show came on and they weren't a minute late. They managed to pass exams and their official degree was only days away. They could almost taste it like a dose of serotonin was placed on their tongue, and maybe an antidepressant to go with it. The [Hair Color] haired skipped their way out of the apartment they lived in for a couple years now to go and buy some groceries. That apartment has seen many people including old friends such as Tetsuro who was there when [Name] first rented the place. It wasn't anything special, just a light beige with plants that the college student has come to name and grow attached to.

    Today was a day that went well, the farmer's market was having a sale and the [Eye Color] eyed managed to snag the last bag of their favorite bread. One of their friends whom they've met in their general education classes took them to the nearby boba shop, and not a second after that, they got some take out. What happens afterwards would only seal their good luck for that day. At least one person of the spectrum was having a good time.

                          。ₓ ू ₒ ु ˚ ू ₒ ु ₓ。

    Kenma was having a terrible day. It shouldn't surprise him really since it was bound to happen. If he were to count the days that went well then he could expect that a bad day would come somewhere. His controller broke from all the rapid times he had to clutch in a game, bills and taxes were due next week. Today was terrible in his opinion and that says something.

    However, he will give credit where credit is due. As much as today was a bummer, there was one thing that seemed to have piqued his interest. It's something that has crossed his mind before, maybe somewhere back in his childhood days. Those random spurs of memories that pop out of nowhere, sometimes they're that one awkward conversation where you know you could've answered that differently and not embarrass yourself.

    Romantic intercourse was something a lot of people didn't have experience in. Kenma of course, like every human being, was no exception. In all honesty, the boy was really just a normal human being who had his dreams, drawbacks and a fair amount of laziness. He searched for that in many human beings that have came and went away in his life. All but one of those people however, were never the one or had something off putting about them. The single person, the one that somehow managed to divert from the rest was of course, [Name] [Last Name].

    It could be that Kenma Kozume is just a man who is a sucker for the whole childhood friends trope or it could be real. Nonetheless, this terrible day was still terrible, right?

                          。ₓ ू ₒ ु ˚ ू ₒ ु ₓ。

    It all started off small, well—, as small as trying to get along with your best friend who suddenly disappeared and then reappeared with an awkward smile can be. It was just sneaky glances at each other as they took a walk through a park. [Name] was the one who suggested it surprisingly, and surprisingly enough they didn't seem to appear too mad at the boy. That's one thing still Kenma doesn't quite understand (like a lot of other things). 

    The birds were chirping their little songs to one another like children who learned a lullaby from their mother. The leaves of the trees had turned into an orange red color, one of warmth like the last rays of summer light before a cold winter's storm. It's been a while since Kenma had admired all these things, it's been a while for many things. [Name] on the other hand was stuck thinking about everything once again, it's been something they've come to acknowledge as a habit. It might be a coping method but they'll never know will they? The [Hair Color] haired thought it was strange, and that most of their entire lives were surreal to them like it never actually happened. 

    These feelings weren't knew, but they were something that would never get old. Life was like and yet wasn't like those horrible romance dramas or those romance novels, but life can to the unexpected. 

    The air was like a pumpkin spice, it's warm and it adds a comforting feeling when smelled. It's like taking in a season in itself. There's the joy, the peaceful and even the sadden feelings. Kenma didn't know or better yet realize why this sudden thought at come into his head. It wasn't until lips pressed against his that all the senses came to him, like fairy dust sprinkled on a knight in shining armor. Today wasn't necessarily a bad day for Kenma Kozume; it was just...eventful in the best way. 

                          。ₓ ू ₒ ु ˚ ू ₒ ु ₓ。

ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕤 & ℂ𝕙𝕠𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕜 // KENMA KOZUME ☑Where stories live. Discover now