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The theatre was one of the only things that [Name]'s toddler/child days didn't contain. It was one of the things they wrote down to do later in life, even though it was a likely chance that they were to forget the whole thing around college. Tetsuro and Kenma (mostly Tetsuro) promised to bring [Name] to a popular play like Benten Kozō or Romeo and Juliet.

    The [Eye Color] eyed actually still holds the two 'till this day that they would take them to the theatre. In their second year of middle school, Tetsuro and Kenma got fed up with their whining and decided to take them to see the Phantom of the Opera that was airing a few blocks down from their school.

Speaking of Kenma, it felt as if he was in a cliche romcom or something like that. It felt as if he was just a side character all together. Things in life don't change easily yet also can change easily. Things like dating someone verses breaking up with someone. One thing needs to be bent over time while the other can snap into two with just a little bit of pressure.

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"Oh my goodness! Thank you guys so much for taking me here,"

[Name] thanked as they adjusted their jacket. Today was the day that they finally got to see a real smile play and what better way than to watch the Phantom of the Opera. Tetsuro and Kenma where dressed in formal where with [Name]. Right now, they were just waiting for the [Eye Color] eyed's parents to finish getting ready so they can all go together.

    "Thanks again Kenma for paying for the tickets. What would we do without you,"

    The [Hair Color] haired teased as they slightly ruffled the boy's hair. The black haired boy slightly scowled at their actions and pushed their hands away from him. Tetsuro being the upperclassman and being the tallest, picked up the two younger ones by their jackets to get them to stop before they mess up each other's clothes.

    "Hey kids! Sorry for the wait your mother spent three hours in the shower again,"

    Mr. [Last Name] sweat dropped as he was trying to pull his wife away from her makeup and vanity. Kenma always found their family dynamic kind of fun but enough about that, they were going to be running late if they don't get in the care.

    Things go by so fast when you're still growing. You just don't want things to grow old and forget them like how you don't want to leave childhood.

    The drive to the theatre was an all too familiar routine. Kenma was just minding his own business while Tetsuro got chummy with [Name]'s parents. Said [Name] fell asleep on Kenma's shoulder, much to what the boy had expected.

    The straight haired boy looked out the window in boredom. The same games were getting old just as most things in life that kept him entertained. His cat like eyes trailed to his friend who was still asleep on his shoulder. A small line of drool ran down their face as they continue to dream of whatever it is their indescribable mind conjures. To think that he would stay with this airhead and another nerd that sat right next to him. It was however one of the things that would never bore him because right next to him were two people that always manage to surprise him.

[Name] was always unaware of most things and that's what Kenma can't seem to wrap his head around. It was odd how they misinterpreted almost everything every single day. Oddities were enticing and in most cases would lead you to something you never knew before. It may have been the cold air or the boredom that drove the black haired to think about all of this but whatever it was, he was glad.

It gave him a time to think about life since it always moves so fast even for him. One moment he just had met [Name], and the next he's their best friend along side Tetsuro. Most of the time he wishes that time would stop all together so he could just live in that moment until he wants to leave but life is unbiased.

   Life gives those the spotlight and those supporting roles a chance to prove themselves. Kenma may not stand out to most or even at all but he's happy. He's always happy because his friend gets the spotlight and that friend notices him. An airhead [Hair Color] haired with a heart of gold. That's what [Name] is. The theatre might not be Kenma's style but he's willing to always give up time to the one in the spotlight. After all it's the least he could do.

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It's been a few weeks since [Name] saw Kenma at the roller skating rink. Mr. Houga was nice enough to give them some privacy even though he owns the dang joint. The two didn't talk all that much since it's well been a few years since high school. Even though the two were thick as thieves back in the day, those strings of friendship wear over time as many things do.

    Maybe a simple hello every now and then would work but they wouldn't ever know because there's that ever lasting fear in the back of [Name]'s mind. As much of an airhead and other things they are, they still have those things they're scared of. One of them is the lasting awkwardness and broken ties. A simple hello would suffice but they wouldn't actually make do it.

    "I guess it's better not to touch the subject for now. Heh, it's always 'not for now',"

    [Name] sighed as they turned on the tv in their dorm. It was either coincidence or some otherworldly power that cause an all too familiar name to pop up. 'Phantom of the Opera will start soon'. The [Eye Color] eyed made a short snort before getting up and making popcorn. It was their first play they've ever seen and it made it to their number one favorite. Who could resist something that would take them back to their childhood.

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ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕤 & ℂ𝕙𝕠𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕜 // KENMA KOZUME ☑Where stories live. Discover now