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                          。ₓ ू ₒ ु ˚ ू ₒ ु ₓ。

    Freshman year was always a weird thing for most kids growing up. It's not that big of an adjustment but you finally get to the last stages of puberty in high school. Sure there are acne breakouts here and there but nonetheless your beauty turely blooms. It was a special right of passage since it was the last phase before you grow up and become a full grown adult. It's sad but it happens to all of us.

    Nekoma High was the first choice of the signature trio. They went to Nekoma Grade School so that was one thing. Another was that it was close plus once Tetsuro heard there was a volleyball team, he was definitely going to join along side Kenma (poor boy didn't really have a choice and he pitied Tetsuro). Even though the bed head was a year above the two, he always made sure they were doing just fine. It was weird since high school was never like the movies people watched back in grade school nor was it actually like how older siblings or relatives would say it to be. It was just normal, too normal in some cases. One thing though that was like in Romcoms and those romantic novels people read were the love letters in people's lockers.

    It doesn't happen often but it still happens and it was something [Name] did not expect. They thought people turned a blind eye to them ever since they stepped inside of Nekoma High. Yet, someone seemed to acknowledge their presence. Of course as all cliche things there are, there was no name at the end of the letters that appeared.

    Today was no different for dear old [Name]. A pink envelope stuck half way inside their locker and a little rose sticker to seal it shut. Truth be told, the [Hair Color] haired was getting quite fond of the compliments the mystery person wrote. How they noticed little things like if their eye bags were showing or how the sun on their face suited them well. It made little [Name]'s heart flutter and throb like butterflies flying across the entire world in search of a safe haven to rest in.

    "If birds and beasts lived in harmony do you think the world would be at rest? Truth is, life is kind of like an oxymoron. It's always hypocritical and contradicting. Large companies claim they donate to charity with each sell but that money just comes right back to them in the end. Things in life don't always go our way but I'm still glad for everything that it has given me. Like you."

- Dearest Admirer

    The things one writes reflects their being and that's a dead give away but sometimes there's those people who's writing reflects their true self but they wear a mask in public. It happens more often than you think.

    [Name] smiled as they put it back into their locker, saving it for later. First period was on it's way and they still haven't seen any of their friends yet. It wasn't until she remember that Tetsuro had to oversee the tryouts for volleyball and he was preparing things in morning practice and Kenma had gone with him. It was so strange.

                          。ₓ ू ₒ ु ˚ ू ₒ ु ₓ。

    "Hey Tetsuro? Do you still keep in touch with Kenma? Even though he kicked you out?"

    The bed head deadpanned at his roomate. It was his final year of college and just a few more months and he'd be out of that despairing pit. Tetsuro Kuroo was already getting started on his resume for potential jobs but his roomate perked up with a question.

    "I mean, we text from time to time. He's my best friend after all,"

    The boy slowly replied as he turned his head back to the laptop screen. The two had moved out of the dormitories and managed to snag enough funds for an apartment not too far away since they did internships and part time jobs. [Name] nodded in response to his answer and decided it's best not to push the topic. After all, all three friends had a fallout after they graduated from high school. A story this is a story soon to be revealed and then lost again in the pits of time. 

    "I wonder how he's doing,"

   Was the last thing that was said before the sound of typing once again filled the room with the background noise of a television running. 

                          。ₓ ू ₒ ु ˚ ू ₒ ु ₓ。

    Somewhere in Japan, Kenma was wide awake that night. He was just lying there, eyes wide awake staring at the ceiling fan that was blowing round 'n round. It was a cold night out and the bugs that cherped weren't helping the boy's restless night. Around this time he would probably get up and play some video games to waste his time away till morning but tonight, tonight he just lied there. It was like he was having sleep paralysis but he actually never went to sleep. He just thought of all the things he didn't get the chance to think. Like how he could've avoided that awkward conversation that one time back in Intermediate school or how to solve that one problem his professor gave him. 

    Growing up was one of the thoughts that managed to emerge into a full on conversation with himself. When he was a child, he couldn't wait to grow up and be independent. He didn't want to rely on other people for all his life and he vowed that once he got out of highschool he would be independant. However, in the present time couldn't be more different. Growing up was getting old so to speak. It was something that no one could avoid any longer. Doing the things were getting old, kind of like the love letter drafts he had stored back from his old high school times

    "Those times weren't so bad I guess,"  

                          。ₓ ू ₒ ु ˚ ू ₒ ु ₓ。

ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕤 & ℂ𝕙𝕠𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕜 // KENMA KOZUME ☑Where stories live. Discover now