chapter 3, telling someone--

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My mom heard me screaming and she runned into my room worried and sat next to me while I was crying and than she saw the razor and started to cry and than she saw the blood and threw the razor to the wall and hugged me and we were both crying and with her voice that kept cracking she asked me a couple questions

Mom:why do u do this to your self Hon

Me:it hurts life sucks ((i want to die )) I said screaming. ....

Mom:tell me ever thing please

Me:it's not as easy as u think

Mom:can u please try for me

Me:oh OK

Mom:thank u she said crying

Me:it's started in kindergarten when everyone was talking about me and than I met Michelle and I thought we were great friends but no she was just like everyone else she didn't care about me( I sighed)

Than came 3 grade where I got called ugly and a note on my desk that said beware of dog than 5 grade everyday I walk by the halls and get called slut bitch nerd geek and etc.and today I went to school and same today I got called names and I went to the bathroom crying than there where 3 girl and-

Mom:do u know there names ?

Me:no I swear

Mom:ok keep going

Me:so I went to the bathroom and saw three angry girls and all of a sudden one of them punched me then after all of them punched me for 25 minutes they left and I was left on the floor where they threw me and I was left with a broken nose and bleeding on my body and high lighted in permanent marker saying bisexual on my head

Mom:why didn't u tell me

Me:I was scared

Mom: of what ?

Me:I don't know I'm scared

Mom:well anything else u wanna tell me

Me:about the demon

Mom:honey I told u demons don't exist

Me:but they do and the demons name is zozo and he's 50% good and bad trust me he can be nice when he wants I can summon him

Mom: OK fine I believe u but if u can summon him then I want to see him

Me:um u sure


Me: zozo might be a bit scary OK


Me:zozo help me

Zozo:yeah u called

Zozo:um is that your mom


Zozo:let me gusse she wanted to meet me

Mom:yeah I did

Zozo:you should believe in your daughter more

Mom:I know and now I always will

Zozo:umm did u tell your mom


Mom:wait u told a demon but u couldn't tell me ?

Me:I was to scared to tell u so when
ever I had a problem with my life I'd tell zozo

Zozo:yep that's pretty much it

Mom:wow zozo thank u

Zozo:no problem your daughter is a very fun person so yeah well I got to go bye

Mom and me:bye

Mom:Hon I got a question


Mom:u don't have to go to school if u don't want and why did u cut in the first place? Me:well thanks but it's OK I have to go to school and I cut because I was depressed and sad and felt like I had no one in the world

Mom:ok I got something else to tell you

Me:yeah what's that

Mom:you can tell me anything


Mom:I love you

Me:thanks mom( I hugged her)

Alright thanks for reading and hoped u liked it bye


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