Chapter 27 ((back where i started))

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Hospital ~~~~~~~

1 week later~~~~~

I spent a whole week in the hospital
And sadly
Connor is in the hospital and so is logan
And yes the police found logan but when they found him h he
W was s s shot s sadly

Doctor:miss ruby

Me:y yes

Doctor:we did the surgery on logan and connor and sadly
Connor has died and so has logan im sorry (he said having a sour face))

Me:wh what n no this is not possible

Doctor:im sorry you can say good bye to connor

Me:o ok

I entered to see connor on his bed (DEAD)

Me:oh connor why did you have to leave we could have an

amzing life you i never told you this but even if you aren't

listening i want to tell you i love you and that i miss you but

really what I want to tell you that jeremy cant out do you the

reason that i stayed with him is because h he abused a and r

raped me i know this doesnt matter anymore but i needed to

get that off my chest he kept me against my will but really

Connor i really do love you i will never be able to live with

myself thinking im the flaut that you died and so did logan

Im sorry connor i miss when we would be able to talk i really

miss you and i will forget you because i love you so much Connor(( i started crying))

Nurse:um miss ruby

Ruby:o ok

I exited the room~~~~~~

Me:man i cant fuckin wait for school all the bullies oh wait
And gusse who else is gonna brother me linda and jeremy

((I started crying))

Connor you left me

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