Chapter12 ,Three of us soon?

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Its been a month since connor took out to that picnic ---- Friday morning----
And i am finally pregnant with a baby boy the doctor said that he will be born in 9 months and me and connor got that new we where so happy

Connor:i still can't believe were going to have a strong baby boy (he said smiling)

Me:i know i cant wait

Connor:I'm gonna be a daddy i said bending down to her stomach and then kissed her stomach i love you kiddo

Me:connor are you sure im gonna be a good mother

Connor:yes i know you are

Me:thanks and you are gonna be a great dad

Connor:oh well thank you he held his hand out to dance and put the song love me like you do by ellie goulding and i didnt refuse to dance with him

Connor:your good at dancing

Me:thanks your not bad your self

I danced closed to him and he got on the couch and i got on top of with and juat starred into his eyes what look like infinity and we started with a kiss and it got more intense

Connor:i started to kiss her and then kissing went to kissing her in the neck

Me:(i moaning so loud from the touch of connor lips

Me:co c connor you need to stop i mean im enjoying myself but we have a baby we cant have sex

Connor:(sorry its just that i can't resist from you i can never get enough of you
You are my world he smiled)

Me:(i cant get enough of you etheir your my universe my world and my everything connor im glad to be starting a family with you i smiled)

Connor:me to

Connor:where were we he put the song back and held out his hand again wanna finish our song

Me:(yes please i smiled)

We danced ,back one step front back side side turn turn side spin back front and rock from side to side and when we were dancing i had memories come back like when i met connor ugh that day was the best

Connor:hi my name is connor

Me:my name is ruby

And to think a few months later i would never imagine myself like this with him i mean he was so perfect and i was so un-perfect why would he choose me ? But you know what im glad he did chose me cause theres no i can love more than Connor because that impossible

Connor:remember our first kiss? He smiled and still dancing

Me:(yeah it was pretty sexy and amazing i smirked)

Connor:(ohh your so lucky your pregnant right now he winked and then smirked)

Me:(oh and I wasn't pregnant what would you do ?i smirked)

Connor:(so many things so many he smirked)

Me:(oh ok i giggled)

Connor:(your gonna find out those things once we Stella down with our baby boy
He smirked )

Me:(mmm sound interesting I smirked)

Connor:(stop teasing its not nice ,he gave a puppy face)

Me:(awww ok sorry come here puppy)

Connor:(ok he said ,fake crying)

Me:(puppy come here and cuddle with me )

Connor:ok (he said making puppy noises)

(We both started to cuddle)

Connor:wanna dance some more?

Me:connor im tired !!

Connor:one more dance baby and then we go to sleep, ok!

Me:(um ok i said smiling)

Connor:you wanna how i would feel if you had anothere boyfriend and not me ?


Connor:i would feel like this and then he put i wish by one direction

Me: "And we both started slow dancing back and forth it was relaxing when i was with him i felt so weak when he wasn't around was nothing with out Connor and it's true he was really my whole world "

Connor:you know i love you


Me:you know i love you

Connor:yeah and nothing in the world can stop me from loving you

Me:"me to connor ,me to "

Me:why did you pick me?

Connor:what you mean?

Me:why did you pick me to be your girlfriend and apart of my life ?

Connor:cause i saw something special in you in your eyes there was a spark everytime i kissed you and there still is today

Me:(well thanks for picking me )(i kissed him)

Connor:(i kissed her back )

Connor:my parents were supposed to come today baby we forgot "

Me:oh well we can invite them tomorrow ,right ?

Connor:right!,let's just go to bed

Me:good night love you baby

Connor:good night i love you to amazing things


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