Chapter 7 ,sharing secrets )

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This chapter is for
15 and up

Connor:i need to tell you a secret
Me:i need to tell you a secret to
Connor:you tell me your secret first ok
Me:um i think mine is a bit crazy so i think you should go first
Connor:um ok ruby I'm color blind i can only see things in shades i just took a gusse of what your eye color would be I actually got it right well thats my secret
Me:oh well Connor um how can you drive than ?
Connor:because all i need to know is that middle means slow down top part mean stop and that the bottom means go
Me: i knew that pftt
Connor: yeah sureeee
Connor:well you gonna tell your secret ?
Me:um yeah i use to have this demon that us to follow me around but he doesn't anymore
Connor:wow and i had a rainbow follow me come tell me the secret
Me:that is the secret
Connor:i don't believe you im sorry
Me:i know it sounds crazy but it us to happen so yeah and it doesn't matter if you believe or not all that matters is that its gone now ,right ?
Connor:right i will love you no matter what (he smiled)
Me:Connor i need to tell you something else to
Connor:whats that?
Me:I'm a very insecure person
Connor:oh really( he smirked )
Connor:i can change that (he smirked more)
Me:Connor what you thinking?
Connor:I'm gonna not make you feel insecure anymore
He standed up and pushed me against the wall and kissed me roughy but yet still passionate i kissed him back ,he started whispering to me
Connor:your very sexy you know that
Me: no I'm not stop lying
Connor: (I grabbed her thighs)your sexy stop denying that
Me:im ugly i not pretty
Connor:(i kissed her neck softly ) really your not sexy ?
Connor: he kissed me more roughy on my neck and kissed my soft spot
Me:(I moaned)
Connor:really your still not sexy (he smirked)
Me:ok fine I'm ...
Connor: (i pulled her on the bed )
Connor:i got on top of her
Me:conn- (i moaned louder)
Connor:your what sexy? He whispered
Connor:he grinned on me
Me:(I moaned louder)
Connor: your what ? Tell me
Me:I'm pretty
Connor: (he stopped )
Connor:(no your sexy but good enough ) (he smirked)
Me:uhhh (i just laid on the bed in shock of what just happened )
Connor:(whats the problem you looked shocked of what just happened)(he smirked more)
Me:because i am
Connor:well did it work
Connor:what do you mean what ?
Me:i was into the Simi-sex sorry
Connor:oh so you liked it
Me:(i sat on his lap (maybe)I smirked )
Connor:now don't start teasing me cause-
Me:cause what ? I smirked
Connor:ohh no you didn't wait a second
Connor:are u wearing lace underwear
Me:(umm i don't know am i opps i must have put it on by mistake
I smirked)
Connor:(oh you little devil he smirked) (I carried her bridal style)
Me: (I locked the bedroom door)

Bye last chapter for today
I will be updating everyday three times or less
Byeeee love you guys stay safe

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