Chapter 38 good as day today

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(Btw)one the right thats connor /edward=connor
And on the left thats james /jacob=james
And well ruby is the girl /bella=ruby

Back to story-

Connors pov------

I heard the door and went to get it
But i wish i didn't open it though

James:i told id be back (i pushed connor against the wall punching him a few time )

Connor:(i got off the wall and punched him in the nose and grabbed his collar and slammed him on the floor)

James:(i got back up and punched connor in the stomach and he started bleeding)

Connor:(I groan)

And i saw ruby come out the room

Connor:(r ruby stay back)i said

Ruby:no !

Ruby:(I went behind james grabbed his hand twisted it and took him out the house and then slammed the door leaving him outside)

Ruby:NEVER COME BACK! (I yelled at him)

Ruby:(i went back to connor)are you ok?

Connor:y yeah im fine

Ruby:omg !

Connor:what happened?

Ruby:y you have a scar !and it's bleeding like crazy

Im gonna get the first aid kit ok be right back

Connor:ok (i sat on the bed)

Ruby:im back (i came with the first aid and some alcohol)

Ruby:(this might burn a bit)i said putting the alcohol on Connors arm)

Connor:(i growled )

Ruby:sorry baby

Connor:its okay

Ruby:ok done (i said finally finishing cleaning the scar)

Connor:thanks baby for cleaning my scar (he smiled)

Ruby:no problem (I said with a smile)

Ding dong-

Ruby:ill get that !stay here baby please (i kissed him before going)

I opened the door-

Linda:hi bitch

Ruby:(i laughed)no bitch yeet (i closed the door)

Ding dong-


I opened the door-

And she slapped me-

I slapped her back-

Oh i just realized what i did i hit james angelo girlfriend
Oh shit well
Praise the lord i live

Linda:bitch (she growled)
Stay away from connor okay


Linda:you know stay away bitch he doesnt like you
Okay so go cut yourself or some shit like that ok
I like him and he likes me he'll never ever like you

Ruby:but you got a boyfriend,huh?

Linda:dont you get it i never liked james i been cheating on him and the
Reasons ive been bullying you is because i loved connor first he was mine but no what
You do ,you destroyed my chances with connor because your here so I guess ill have to remove you to get him okay we good ,ok thats what i thought keep your little bitchy mouth
Closed because all its good at is sucking james dick....

Ruby:oh you bitch (i cried)

Linda:oh please honey words dont hurt me !

Ruby:but this w w will (I slapped her)

Connor:what the fuck did you do LINDA?

Linda:(i faked cried)s she hurt me look she slapped me and she called me names
(I laid my head on connors chest )

Connor:bitch wtf?are you doing ?GET OFF!dont give me your fake crying bullshit i know your not crying look linda me and you was never anything and it never ever will be something okay, it never existed I will never come back to you i only LOVE RUBY!

Now GO!

I opened the door-

She left actually crying

I slammed the door-

Connor:do you think they will ever stop?

Ruby:(i sighed)sadly i dont think they ever will

Next morning-

At school-

I felt a cool breeze in my back
Everything was different
No one was bullying me
I quote "no one was bullying me"

Ruby:connor im scared!

Connor:i know me to,why is everyone so nice,do you think they stopped?

Ruby:i cant be,i dont know mabe-

Girl:nice shirt ruby i like it!(she smiled)

Ruby:holy shit,im scared what's happening?

He showed me james jeremys and limda face book and Twitter it was blocked by the school boards , (we smiled)

Wait thats not all

There was this website that said


And i went read all the comments

Thepandarese-we are sorry we will stop bullying!

Rubywearesorry-forgive us

Jamesisstupid-hey don't listen to the otheres they are just plain ass holes

Lindaforgive-dont let linda in your life she will just ruin it again like she did with connors ok-
Take care lovely ruby xoxox

Thatrandomreader-hey there girl clam down things get better

random-girl-dont worry hang on ok we will help you

Panddued-hey sexy ruby clam down you are amazing don't listen to anything ok love

I stopped there-

Connor:whoa that amazing!

Ruby:(i smiled)oh you dont even know how long ive been waiting for this to stop connor im so happy (i kissed him)

Connor:me to baby i love you(i kissed her)

Ruby:i love you to

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