Chapter 21 ,(Moving on)

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It was 8:27 p.m when we arrived at the restaurant

Jeremy:table for two please

Lady:right this way please

She guide us to the table and from the table a cross were connor
Of course

Thats fuckin great

Jeremy:(i whispered)is that connor?

Me:(ugh dont remind me jeremy)

Jeremy:sorry .....

And then when i turned my head there was connor making out with

Wait for it


How the fuck? Is she alive? I must be dreaming?

Jeremy:whats the problem i can see hatred And Confusion in your eyes
Ruby whats the matter and then i turned my face and saw connor making out with a girl and when i turned back to ruby it looked like she was gonna cry again

Me:(its n n nothing )i runned into the bathroom ((btw bathrooms were unisex))

Jeremy:((i runned after ruby))

Me:i looked at myself in the mirror and took out a razor from my purse
And started cutting myself (i said to myself in my mind)life isnt worth it "

One cut

Two cuts


But then jeremy came in the bathroom rushing and saw me and froze in shook and all he could do is stare at the blood coming out my arm and look at the razor

Jeremy:r ruby ,no no no please dont do this to your self (he started to cry)

Me:ive been doing it my whole life ,WHY STOP NOW?

10 minutes later of telling jeremy my whole life story----------

Jeremy:oh ruby im so so so sorry

Me:whats the point jeremy?

Me:all my life jeremy,ive been




-and lost my bf

Whats the point ,tell me?

Jeremy:i cant tell you the point you have to figure that yourself,but i can tell you one thing if you wake up tomorrow dead ,more people that you know of will be hurting
Just because of you because deep down they really i mean really do care .....

Me:and who are those people?

Jeremy:the bullies and some-others

Me:and who else?


Me:w why?

Jeremy:b be because i love you......

Me:what?(i smiled)

Jeremy:i love you,ruby tejada( he smiled)

Me:you know what jeremy ?


Me:(i love you to jeremy)



Wait for it


We kissed

Me:(thinking)i felt the biggest fireworks in me exploding i felt amazing

Jeremy:i kissed her i felt the biggest sparkels in me i felt firework i felt everything
,everything felt so right everything was amazing

Jeremy:(so um ,wow )opps did i say that outloud (shit nice job Jeremy)

Me:(i giggled)your a nice kisser jer

Jeremy:um what,oh uh thanks?

Jeremy:(your a great kisser)

Me:thanks (i blushed)

Jeremy:so um mega best friend what you wanna do?

Me:um lets leave this dump

Jeremy:so what do we call eachothere now ?

Me:girlfriend and boyfriend (I smirked at him)

Jeremy:ok i like the sound of that (he smiled)

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