Chapter 37 why are you here?

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Linda james and jeremy walked in the room....

And I started breaking apart and all I could think of

There here to hurt me again!

Linda:ruby why are you even alive ugh?

Jeremy:ugh like why bitch just go die with your little bitchy mom and son !

James:you slut (he laughed)why aren't you really dead?

I felt the weight hitting me again and again and than i was think again
There right because no matter how much i look in the mirror i cant see some
One worth wild or some that is not broken i just see a ugly ass sluty bitch and that girl in the mirror is me ....

James:and look at you connor your some real stupid ass i cant believe your still
With her !its fuckin stupid shes just a

Connor:shes an amazing girl thats what she is ,look dumb asś's if your going to yell at ruby about shes a bitch please stop because we all know here those are all fuckin lies honestly
And i dont get how you linda rios,james angelo and jeremy toraz are able to look at your selfs in the mirror and be able to love your self and you james 'he said grabbing his collar and pushing him on the wall "I swear all of you have done to much to ever forgive and its not like where gonna forgive you because if you think that you must be nuts, ok and if any
Of you dare go into our lifes i will end you i will hunt you i not playing this time because youve went to far ,do you see the fuckin pain

Fuckin caused

My girlfriend

Look its best for you guys to go before
I call the cops ok (i said angerly)

James:we will be back

And they left -

Connor:you ok baby?

Me:(i sighed)its ok

Connor:i swear they need to quit

Me:look at me please connor in the eyes

He looked me in the eyes-

Me:your mad aren't you?

Connor:we'll yeah

Connor:im not gonna let you fight the battle alone ,where gonna win this battle we are not backing down

Me:(i smiled)thanks connor

Connor:i think you might have to spend another 3hours here ok

Me:hey as long as you dont leave ill be fine (i kissed his forhead)

Connor:ok (he smiled)

3hours later-

Connor:hello there baby would you like to go on a date ?(he smiled)

Me:yes connor id love to!

At the restaurant -

Connor:you look amazing baby ,have i said it yet?

Me:nope.....i haven't heard you

Connor:well let me say it again ((i love you ruby tejada ,he yelled ))

Me:whoa !why did you yell it?

Connor:cause i want to let the world know that your my one and only and that i love you ..

Me:aww Connor ((i kissed him))

(He kissed me back)

And i made a quiet moan but only for connor to here

well thats what i thought

Guy:get a room!! (Someone yelled)

I rolled my eyes-

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