Chapter 33 I thought you where dead?

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I just left and its time for me to greet death ---

((James starts running after me ))
And he reaches up to me

James:what you said in there was it true ?

(I don't answer )

James:was it true?

(I don't answer)

James:please ruby tell me (he pleaded)

Me:(james can we just go home please)

James:fine (he sighed) also his hands were shaking of the nervousness and i could tell his eyes were filled with

Worry and sadness

We got home after a 15 minute silent walk ~~~~|

Me and james were on the bed back to back
No talking ,and the room was filled with silent for
Two whole hours until james broke it

James:r ruby please tell me was everything you said about you dying true?would you have died if i didnt come after you?

Me:honestly if you didnt come after me i.......................would have killed myself

James:am i really the only thing have in this world ?

(We both started tearing up )

Me:yes james yes your my only sunshine or light i have to live look james ,look at it this way, your my oxygen and if i dont have you i cant live because i need oxygen to live, james you are that oxygen...............i ......

James:ruby ?

Me:yes james

James:if your every feel like you on the edge on the world dont take that last step because if you do ,ill be all over

And if you feel like you need to talk to someone

Im right here ..............



Me:please dont ever ever ever leave me your my only oxygen

James:ok baby ok.....I promise

(We hugged)

James:well wanna search for house?

Me:yeah( i half smiled,trying to forget everything that happened)

20 minutes of looking for house later~~~~

Me:ohh i like that won

Me:nevermind if to expense

James:no no that just fine

Me:what do you mean ?we can't afford that ....

James:yes we can (he smirked)

Me:what do you mean non of us have jobs....

James:i have a secret job !

Me:oh really what is it?

James:im a boxer and i win fights and get paid for them, (at a gym)

Me:(thinking)that explains why he has such a hot /sexy body!
#hotmess if I've seen one

James:ruby are you day dreaming again?

Me:n no pfft day dreaming whats that-oh look at this house!

James:yeah sure so you wanna check out the house you pointed out earlier


James called the owner and said that we wanted to check out the house he said we could check it on Tuesday which was two days from now so yeah.............

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