Pick On Someone Your Own Size

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I was on my way home from my oh-so-boring first day of school. I decided to walk instead of having my mom pick me up because it really wasn't all that far.

As i walked i noticed a group of boys seemingly bullying a young girl. There were four boys, about my age, 14, picking on a ten year old girl.

I walked over and the poor thing was crying. I stood front of her facing the boys.

"What are you doing? Why are you picking on this girl?"I asked as the little girl hid her face in my back, trying to stay out of the boys line of sight.

"None of your business." one of the bullies snapped.

"Well it is now. Why don't you leave her alone and pick on someone your own size!" I replied

"Whatever," they snarled, walking away.  That was easier than I thought it would be.

I turned to the girl. I learned her name was Claire and the she had been walking home. I stood there comforting her as she called her mom to be picked up, so she didn't have to walk home. After her mom picked her up I continued my walk home.


The next day when I went to my locker I found a note on it.

             That wasn't very smart.
   You shouldn't have interfered like that. Now you better watch your back.
                         ~ J,C,T,D

I threw the note away. Thinking they were just trying to scare me. I grabbed my books and started towards firs period, (Ewww math) but suddenly was tripped and I fell hitting my head. The last thing i see is a fist flying at my face before everything goes black.

I know its a crappy chapter. I'm sorry  I've just been really busy.

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