Chapter 11

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I woke up in someones arms and was completely drenched. The person was running at top speed to the orphanage. No wonder I was so tired, I was sooo far from the orphenage that it looked like a tiny little ant hill. I loked up to see that James was carrrying me bridal style as it is pouring down raining. I wonder how he knew I was out here.

James looks down at me and grunts. "Oh, so now you're aw-"

BOOOOMMMMMM. I sceamed when I heard the thunder, and put a death grip on James. BOOOOOMMMMM. It thundered again and I gripped on tighter and started crying. All I could remember was that one night.


I was six at the time, running  through the forest like I always used to. It was lightly raining and me and my big sister Anne were running around the forest playing hide and seek. Anne was twelve at the time, and was beautiful. She had inherrited Dad's gold like hair and these  striking green eyes from Mom, while I had Mom's brown hair, and Dad's electric blue eyes. I was currently seeking and I found Anne hidding in a bush covered in bright majenta colored flowers. Just then it started pouring. Anne laughed and ran out from under the bush.

"Come on, we need to get home, before the lightning starts. " She said laughing again. Me and Anne loved storms, we loved the thunder, and the flashes of eclectricity splitting open the sky, and most of all, the feeling of the rain pouning on your skin. Or mom didn't like them as much. She was convinced one of us would get hypothermia or the flu. We ran through the trees trying to make the most of our last few minuets in the woods.

When we go to the street we continued running untill a white van came to  stop infront of us. Men dressed in black with masks on started to come out.

Anne shoved me towards the forest and screemed at me to run into the forest and not to look back untill I had climbed uo to the highest branch in one of the trees.

"I will be right behind you." she promised. So I ran, I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me. That's when the thunder started, and then Anne screamed.  She told me to keep running and to use the woods and the storm to my advantage. I heard another scream and a thud, followed by a grunt.

"The little brat kicked me." moaned one of the men, his voice falling back.

"I  love you Sarah." I then heard a door slam and then the van drove off. The thUnder continued as I ran through the woods, taking the back road home.

After years of searching, they found Anne dead in an abandoned warehouse, and I had been scared of storms since, thinking that Anne's ghost would come and haunt me, blaming me for her capture and death.


When we were in side I was still balling so James took me to his room. we sat on his bed as he whispered soothing words in my ear. As my crying slowed he stood up and walked to his closet. He pulled out a pair of boxers, some shorts and a T-shirt and handed them to me. he pointed to the bathroom, Wich was connected to his room. His room is part of the newer section of the building, so it has a bathroom, where as mine does not.

"Towles are in the closet on the left. Go get dried off and changed." He said. I nodded and went Into the bathroom. I stripped my clothes and grabbed a towel, drying myself off, then put on the clothes James had handed me. I had to gather up a bunch of the shorts waistband and tie it with a hair tie to get the shorts to stay up. I combed my fingers through my hair and walked out of the bathroom.

When I walked into the room James was lying on his bed. I walked over and layed down. I saw a small stuffed bison sitting on his bed. I picked it up and started petting it. I love bison, they reminded me of my dad. He always took me to the zoo and the bison exhibit was always our favorite.

"You can have that if you wanted it. It was supposed to be a gift for my girlfriend before she dumped me. Plus you're much happier with it than I am." he said.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah, your like a sister to me, and if it makes you this happy, I want you to have it."

"Awwwww, thanks James." I squeeled. I looked around his room. It was surprisingly clean. He had alot of posters for bands that I didn't recognize, and a desk with books, notepads, pens and other office suplies on it. I then saw an old drum set in the corner.  I also saw a cajon, a box of wood used for acoustic drum sounds, and a guitar.

"You play drums and guitar?" I asked

"I play drums and every once in a while I sing. The guitar used to belong to my roomate but he got adopted and left the guitar with me. He wasn't allowed to take it with him." He answered.

 "Will you play something for me?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed the cajon and began playing. After a minuete I realized what song he was playing, so I grabbed the guitar and began to play along. He nodded to me and we sang part of Centuries by Fall Out Boy

"Some legends are told

Some turn to dust or to gold

But you will remember me

Remember me for centuries

And just one mistake

Is all it will take

We'll go down in history

Remember me for centuries

Hey, hey, hey

Remember me for centuries."

At the end of the chorus we both started laughing. As I calmed down laughing I realized how amazing James was. He was tall, strong, and a great musician. He was kind, funny caring, and he was like a brother to me. He took care of me while I was in one of my weakest states, TWICE. He has put up with me more than anyone ever has. I also came to my attention that other than his intrest in music and his kindness that I knew next to nothing about him. So  I told him that we should actually get to know each other.

"Okay, you ask the first question" He said

"Favorite color?"

"Don't laugh at me, but it's purple." He answered. I smilled remembering that it was my Dad's favorite color.

"Mine's black" I told him.

"Let me gues,' he said," it's because black matches everything."

"Finally, somebody who understands!!! Everybody else thought I was some emo freak!"I jumped up and sreamed, waving my hands in the air. When I sat back down James asked the next qustion. I learned that his favorite food was pizza (isn't everybody suprised), his favourite book was THE DANGEROUS DAYS OF DANIEL X by James Patterson( you should read it), and that he graduated last year through the same program that I am in now, because he is fifteen. A year older than me. (If you don't remember the program, please refer to Broken Nose)

I strummed a few more keys an the guitar and just enjoyed the company of James, and for the first time in a long time, I didn't think all hope was lost.

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