What Did I Do?

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I woke up on a cot in a white room. I looked out the window and saw the school parking lot. I must be in the nurse's office.

A perky lady came over and asked me how I was feeling. She must be the nurse.

"Alright, you don't  have a concussion, just some bruising. So if you can stand up, we'll send you on your way." She said.

She helped me up, and asked me if I was feeling dizzy. When I shook my head no she handed me a pass and sent me to 2nd period.

When I walked into my English class the teacher (can't remember her stupid name) glared at me.

"Care to explain why your late?" She almost growled. I handed her the pass and took my seat at the back of the room. She started talking, but I blocked her out. All I could think about is why people would do that to me. What did I do? Then I remembered the little girl. Ohhh.


As I walked into lunch somebody trips me and then pours their drink on me to make it looked like I had peed myself.

"Oh, look the little twerp of a new girl peed herself." The gut said as I stared at him in disbelief and horror. He was about 6 feet, with blond hair and green eyes, and looked like the typical jock.

"Shut up Jake." a girl behind me said. She had brown hair with blond highlights and she had hazel eyes. "We ALL know that you just poured your drink on her."

Everybody 'oooohhhh'ed and some people laughed. The girl helped me up and took me to the bathroom. She handed me a pair of yoga pants for me to where.

"I was gonna use them for gym, but you need them more. My name is Chloe, if you were wondering."

Well, there it is. Comment if you like it, and please share my story with your friends.

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