Out With the Old, In With the New

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I walk up to Sarah's house. Mrs. Johanson told me to bring her out to the car. I'm a girl from the orphanage. They usually send one of the orphans to pick up the newcomers, so that they meet someone who understands what they are going through. Mrs. Johanson picked me because we apparently "have a lot in common."

I get to the door and see that it is already partially open. I open it more and see a girl sobbing on  the floor. I knock on the already opened door. "Are you Sarah?" I ask.


I was still crying when I heard a knock on my door and someone asking if I was Sarah. I whirled around and saw a girl about 5'2ish. She had dark brown eyes and had her hair up in a ponytail, and was wearing a Green Bay Packers shirt, black leggings, and gray Converse with pink laces.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I snarled, wanting everyone to just leave me alone.

"I'm Rebekah. I'm from the orphanage. Why were you crying?" She asked. It was almost as if she knew it wasn't about my parents.

"I guess I just put my trust in the wrong people. I no longer have any friends. I'll just have to make new ones. Out with the old, in with the new, Right?" I laughed bitterly.

"You know, I could be your friend." She said walking over and helping me up off the floor.

"Really?" I ask once I'm up, wiping away the tears.

"Definitely. I know what it's like to lose your parents, and people can be jerks. They just don't know a good friend when they see one, but that's their loss." She said. I pulled her into a hug and mumbled thank you about a thousand times. the hog broke and she smiled at me. I grabbed my bags and we headed out to the car.


When we got to the orphanage I learned that I would be sharing a room with Rebekah. After unpacking my stuff a little girl, about age five came up to me.

"Will you braid my hair?" she asked. I nodded an braided her hair. We bonded quickly and I soon found my self in an irreversible friendship with this little girl, whose name was Hailey. Rebekah asked me to be in her YouTube video, so i said yes. She tweeted saying that she was doing a meet the roommate video and to send in questions. Five minuets later we were filming a video.


Rebekah: Hey everybody, Its me Rebekah, and this is my new roommate Sarah.

Sarah: Hey

Rebekah: She just moved into the orphanage and I thought you guys should meet her, and everyone remembers Hailey.

Hailey: *giggles and runs out of room*

Rebekah: So i asked you guys to send in questions and requests for Sarah. The first question is: How old are you?

Sarah: 14 years old

Rebekah: Next question. Any hobbies? What are they?

Sarah: Reading, Writing, Singing, and Playing Guitar.

Rebekah: Will you play some thing for us.

Sarah: *grabs guitar from her side of the room.* Sure, this is "Enemy Fire" by Bea Miller (great song. If you don't know it look it up.) *Starts playing.

oh, oh, oh,

oh, oh, oh,

oh, oh, oh,

Who's a friend, Who's an enemy

Because sometimes it looks the same to me

But looks can be pleasing, yet so deceiving

Sweet words from a serpents tongue

It's like playing with a loaded gun

Who knows what truth is

How do you prove it *skip to end*

Oh, oh, oh, Come a little closer

Oh, oh, oh, You can be my soldier

Oh, oh, oh, keeping me safe from all who conspire

Enemy fire Oh, oh, oh,

I'm looking for some shelter

oh, oh, oh, from the helter skelter

oh, oh, oh,Just keep me away from all who conspire

Enemy fire Oh, oh, oh,

Oh, oh, oh, Oh,oh,oh,

Enemy fire Enemy fire

Rebekah: Wow, That was great! Next question. Favorite food, color, and Band/Singer?

Sarah: My favorite food is...... ummm..... tacos? Yeah, tacos. my favorite color is black, and my favorite band is 5sos.

Rebekah: Cool. Okay, that's all we have time for today. Remember to like, subscribe, and all that crap! Bye!

*End of Video*


Okay that is the next chapter. It's my longest chapter too. Anyway all of you should look up Bea Miller. She's really good.


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