Chapter 13

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I must have fallen asleep watching movies, because the next thing I remember is waking up, half of me hanging off of the bed in James's room. It was really early so James was still sleeping, but I had to inform Mrs. Johanson that I will be starting cyber school to finish up my last year. No way am I going to the same school as that traitor, Chloe. I grabbed a plain black t-shirt, and my skull leggings, walking into the bathroom to change.
I walked into Mrs. Johanson ' office, and said hello.

"Oh, good morning Sarah, I was just about to come look for you. A woman came in last night looking to foster, and maybe adopt some kids." She said.

"What does that have to do with me?" I questioned groggily.

"She asked for two or three older kids, that would be responsible , and not to hard to take care of. I thought that James, Rebekah, and you fit the description well enough."

I looked at her stunned. We were going to a foster home?

"You and Rebekah will be taking online classes, and James graduated through that program thingy, so all school stuff will be taken care of. Now, if you could go pack your stuff,and wake up the other two, we can get this show on the road."

I nodded and left, still trying to comprehend what was happening.

Heyyyyy. Sorry It's so short,but it has been ages since I updated. Anyways, HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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