─ :: 💍 007

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Some shit its 11:32 pm and cuz why the fuck not!
Quackity: yeah things at the office are going great, me and Karl do this thing were we add a little more of grey goose in to schlatt coffee until he notices and were in day four he hasn't he basically sleeps like baby
Reporter:So technoblade tells us on your first day in the office?

Technoblade:Well its been great I met this cutie name dream

Dream:*passes by and touchs technos cheek*hey hot stuff

Schlatt: Fundy Hugo nikkis rent is found today, just take everything of the shelf and say its for taxes

Tubbo:Yes sir but my names is not Hugo its tubbo

Schlatt: are you trying to pull a quick one on me

Quackity: isn't tubbo his son?"


Fundy:since schlatt's little "im a little man" comment I feel like I can't even work here anymore, he even called me a disgusting animal to my face.

Schlatt:hes a fucking furry what else you want from me

Reporter: I think hes reffering hes transgender

Schlatt: he chose to be a fucking ginger!


Dream: *crying*.

Patches:*whips tears away with paw*

Dream:*whimpers* ohh
Me: I simp for people

My friends: and you choose MCYTS?!

Me:Yeah It was between that or fictional character

My friends: why the fuck was it between that?!

Me: idk :]

My friends:im Disappointed

Me: :'[] lol so is my mom
Technoblade:*hits door three times* tumbled out of bed, my life aint bitchin', i really regret existin', cuz I have dreams that they have taken away!*passes out with bacon in his hand*


Philza:*opens techno door* hey son are you winning-

Technoblade:*making out with dream*

Philza:Never mind*closes door
Tommy:*Giggling like the goblin he is* soup
Dream to tommy: you know what happens when I get mad*summons enchanted diamond sword* you say that one more time, you know how it feels to meet god personally
Little eddie:*at Louisiana*

His sister: I see something white

Little eddie: The KKK

His mom: Eddie what the fuck-
Sapnap: you know when you hook up with a girl and she says thanks for thw tip *Gets serious* that's the last time I pay for a prostitute wait pfft fuck it meant to be a short dick joke but I guess it guess its better cuz you pay a prostitute
Ranboo: good morning my neighbors! :)

Everyone: Shut the fuck up

Ranboo: :(

Tubbo and nikki: hi:]

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