Uhm New Books And Bottom dream book 2...

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So if you haven'r noticed i have a new book which is a college au the dream smp is up to 17-19 ages meanwhile the minors are 5-8ages and i making some of them live bythemselves like dream,sapnap,george,Wilbur, minx etc.., also heads up im making dream adopt ranboo as his 'son' cause why the fuck not, they are hybrids.

Also Im going to make a new Bottom Dream Book that's also a Dream centric book cause this one has to much random shit and im as well gonna make a book for rants any drama or just my life so be prepare for that. I'm working on the forst chapter for the Drundy story aswell for theChat fic And i have a few unedited oneshots for the dreamnoblade, and an unedited chapter for ghost dream i might delete one book cause i dont really work on it so yeah im changing alot of stuff.

Im going to give you guys my School schedeule

Enter school at 7:30 am and leave school at 3:45 Pm

And yeah have a great night or day i love y'all

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