DNF Rant

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Hi my bitch ass is going on a rant on dreamnofound do i have school yes but that's not important right now so lets get into the rant

ok i fucking hate Dreamnotfound why its the stereotypical top being flirty and buff and the bottom being skinny short and a uwu boy, like yeah dream is tall and george is short but that doesn't mean george is atuomatically a bottom. Short people can be tops and tall people can be bottom, and now imma make people hate me, george seems like an average dude in looks and in attitude, im laughing over here ugh idk why lol. okay back to the hieghts dream is 6'2 or 6'3 idk and george is like 5'9 which is tall okay im a fucking short person idk my fucking hieght. also i have read heat waves and they just seem the same as any normal dnf fanfic in wattpad ao3 but its just with music. is it overrated fuck yeah it is  and i dont care if any toxic dnf shipper says "oh but they flirt-" yall mfs do know its probaly fans service right yall do know that they flirt only for the fans can fangirl.

okay i hate it but if you guys like it and want oneshots i'll do it you guys are my readers and i love ya'll bye.

okay i hate it but if you guys like it and want oneshots i'll do it you guys are my readers and i love ya'll bye

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