Why do i relate

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so im in reddit and i found this post

Not all girls like having a big chest and hips. Stop assuming.

I’m in this boat. I hate it when my aunt tells me that it’s nothing to be ashamed of, I should love my body and that includes my breasts, or when they get me super frilly bras. NO. I HATE THIS!!!please don’t assume that all girls like having breasts. I wish I was flat! I also don’t like my hips being wide. I want to be like a rectangle. I hate my chest. To me all they are are two stupid lumps on me. I hate them. I hate having to wear bras, I hate it. I wish I didn’t have them and when I’m older and have enough money I’m going to ask for surgery to make my chest smaller.

I’m not saying that girls who like their body should be ashamed, and I’m not trying to be mean. You can like what you like. Again, I don’t want to be mean or offensive. But let me do me. And me is not curvy, no “sexy breasts”.

But I DONT like my chest or hips! I hate going shopping and I have to find bigger jeans because they don’t fit my butt. I hate my chest and hips. Please, I just wish they were gone. They’re meaningless lumps on me that do nothing but flap around and hurt when I bump into things. Ugh. STOP ASSUMING I WANT CURVES. I don’t want to be “more attractive.” I want to be comfortable in my own skin, but I feel like I can’t. I feel like I just want to take my shirt if and dance around. But I can’t because if my my stupid body.

I feel like puberty is going to suck for me. I’m already going through most of it, I’m in middle school. But as I get older I’m getting curvier and I hate it. I want to look flat. I want to be flat. I don’t want bigger boobs. The idea of that makes me sad, and scared. I already have a sports binder, and it makes me feel good.

I just want to look more.....like me. Who I really am. And who I really am is not some stupid sexy person. I don’t love my body. I hate my chest. I hate my hips. I just wish that they were gone. Please.....

I realte to this post cause im 12 with DD and i hate it cause my mom always points it out when she can :P i hate having a chest why can't i have like a B or A god

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