Chapter 1

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"My name is (f/n) (l/n). Please take care of me." You said as you bowed to your new class. You quickly took your seat as your teacher began the lesson. Absentmindedly staring out of the window, you didn't hear when your teacher called out to you.

"N-nani (what)? I mean, yes sir?" You quickly corrected yourself as you remembered that you were in English class.

"Could you please read the following page for us, (l/n)-san?"

Nervously, you stand up and look around the class. Some girls were snickering into their books about your blunder. You felt your cheeks heating up in embarrassment and you lick your lips. When you started reading in English, all of the girls stopped their snickering and followed along in their books as you were reading quite fast. When you finished reading, you sat down and buried your head back into your book.

"W-Wow. That was amazing. Where did you learn to read English so well?" You teacher is shocked.

You feel your face growing hot again and wonder why the teacher can't just leave you alone since it's your first day at school when it's already one month into the school year. You pick up your head to look at your teacher and tell him, "I lived in America for 2 years and learned a lot before moving back here to Japan. I had to learn English in order to communicate and understand what the teachers are trying to teach me." You put your head back down and hoped the teacher would just leave you alone. Thankfully, your prayers were answered.

After class, you couldn't leave your seat because kids were crowding your desk asing you questions about your time in America. You silently curse your teacher in your mind for putting you in this predicament. You couldn't believe your rotten luck.

"Is everything supersized over there!?" One girl asks you eagerly.

"What about women!? Do they have big tits!?" A boy shouts over everyone.

"Do they all have perfect teeth?" Another boy asks

"Is it true that you don't wear uniforms?" Another girl asks.

"Umm, food portions are larger there. The small over there is like a large over here. The women have more weight on them which results in bigger boobs. They spend a lot on teeth over there since a perfect smile is everything. Some schools, mainly the private ones require uniforms, but most of them do not require uniforms." You try to answer as many questions as possible.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" A yell silences the crowd. You see a boy black hair making his way through the mass of students. He grabs your hand and drags you out of the door shouting at the kids to make way for you.

When you made it out of the room, you let out a breath. You didn't think that your first day was going to be so intense. "T-Thank you very much." You say as you look up at the guy that saved you.

"Eh? It was nothing." He looks away blushing and scratching the back of his neck. "Um... do you want to sit with me at lunch?"

You are taken aback by his offer, but you smile at him, "Sure. Thanks a lot."

"Y-You're welcome." He says with a huge smile on his face, then he sticks out his hand to you to which you shake, "My name's Shu Hanashiro. I'm on the basketball team, but I don't get much playing time since I am only a first year and I am not as good as the rest of them are."

"Really? You play basketball? That's so cool!" You beam at him causing him to blush again.

He turns his face away trying to hide his blush, "You really think so? I sit with the other guys at lunch. You can meet Seijuro, too. He's our captain even though he's only a first year."

"Only a first year!?" You exclaim. You had heard that the basketball team for Rakuzan was legendary, but for a first year to be the captain was unthinkable.

"Yeah, but it gives me hope that maybe if I try harder, I could take a starting position later in the year." He gives you a shy smile.

"I believe in you." You touch his arm reassuringly.

At lunch, You see Shu waving to you and you make your way over to him with your tray. "Hey, Shu."

"Come sit next to me." He pats the seat next to his indicating where you are to sit. "Everyone, this is (f/n) (l/n). She just moved here after spending two years in America. She's really good at English and she finished all of her work in literally five minutes in all of the other classes I have her in!" His boasting about you makes you blush madly. "She's really a gem."

His last comment made you turn even redder than you already were. "H-Hi everyone." You bow and then sit down next to Shu. "I-I'm really not that special, but thank you."

"I think you are." You hear Shu say.

You look down and eat your lunch in silence, not noticing a pair of menacing red eyes watching you.

You decided to stay after school and watch the basketball team practice. You were quite familiar with basketball since you used to play and watch it with your cousins all the time when you were younger and then in America on a girls team that won a championship. It was great. This practice though, you noticed, was very intense. One guy caught your eye though, and it wasn't Shu (sorry Shu, but this story isn't about you). He was wearing a number four jersey so you know that he is the captain. He must be the first year that Shu was talking about. You thought to yourself. What was his name again, though? You enjoyed watching him and his brilliant red hair and dazzling red eyes. He caught you watching him. Twice. The red head didn't even give you a reaction.

"Hey, (f/n)." Shu's voice caused you to turn around. "You were just about to leave right?" He asks as he runs up to you.

"Um. Yeah." You answer awkwardly.

"Could you wait a little longer for me to get changed out of my uniform so I can walk you home?" He asks while looking down, red all over his face and ears.

You smile at his cuteness. "It's really not necessary. I could walk myself home."

"B-but. It's because of me that you stayed after so it's the least I could do." He insists.

Looking at his cute face, how could you refuse? "Alright. I'll wait for you, but you better not take to long." You did come there initially to watch Shu practice with his team, but you ended up watching the captain most of the time.

With a huge grin on his face, Shu runs back to the locker room and you walk back to the bleechers to sit down and wait.

"It's not nice to keep a girl waiting."

You jump and turn to see a frightening pair of red orbs. "O-oh. You're the captain, right?"

"Seijuro Akashi, pleased to make your acquaintance." He takes your hand and kisses the back of it making you blush.

"Oh!" You say and look away with your face as red as a tomato. "(f-f/n) (l-l/n)..."

"What a beautiful name befitting of a woman of such caliber."

"U-umm... Thank you very much."

His handsome smile that he was just showig you was replaced with a dark expression. "What's a girl  like you doing with a guy like that?"

Seijuro's change of character caught you by surprise as you turned back to him and he pushed you down on the bleachers. "Submit to me." He whispers into your ear.

Taming the Beast (Seijuro Akashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now