Chapter 4

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Akashi turns around to face the interrupter. His demonic look and glowing eyes didn't change.

"Ah. Hanashiro." Akashi says calmly, "We were just talking about you."

Shu breaks out into a smile and looks behind his captain to you. "Only good things I hope."

"Then I showed (f/n)-chan my scissors. They are my favorite pair."

Shu looks confused. "Scissors?" He looks at the redhead for a second then returns his gaze to you, "Why would you carry something like that around? That could be dangerous."

Akashi smiles slightly, "Sometimes you just need to get rid of pests."

You, thinking that it would be best to intervene before your boyfriend's stupidity gets him killed, stepped inbetween the two boys and faced Shu, "I think that we should get going. It is kind of late and I am pretty tired." You faked a yawn so he would buy it, but then he noticed the cut on your face.

"What happened to your face?" The raven haired boy asked you; his voice full of concern. He cupped your face with his hands and used his thumb to wipe away some of the blood. "How did you get cut?"

Before you could answer him and tell him that everything was fine and you just had a little accident, Akashi just had to try to make it worse. "Oh. You just noticed?" He asked, "I thought that even an idiot like you could have noticed something like that. And it happened to your girlfriend too. That is such a shame."

Shu apparently caught on to something for the first time in his life. "Did you cut her with your scissors?"

"Shu-kun. Seijuro-kun didn't do anything. It was just and accident, you see? I was walking in the bleechers, but I tripped and apparently my face got scratched against a sharp edge of one of them. It hurt, but luckily Seijuro-kun saw what happened and had me come to the wall so he could see if I had any other injuries. I didn't, so we started talking about you and then Seijuro-kun showed me his scissors. That is exactly what happened. Can we go now?" You tried to drag him, but he would not budge.

Shu hadn't even taken his eyes off of Akashi for a second. "Is all of this true, Seijuro?" His voice was venomous.

"What was that?" Akashi asks with his calm poker face, "Did you just address me by my first name and without any honorific? You sure are an ignorant one if you believe that you can get away with that."

"What's wrong?" Shu inquires innocently, "I didn't hear you use an honorific when you addressed me, and (f/n)-chan used your first name." He turns to you for the first time since this little dog fight started, "Why did you use his first name, (f/n)-chan?"

Just as you opened your mouth to reply, the captain jumps in, "I told her to use my first name. Problem?"

You saw that you couldn't say or do much in this situation, so you decided to announce that you were leaving and just go home. You had it up to here with all of this boy drama. You wished that you had never said yes to going out with Shu. That was how all of this started. "I'm leaving." You announced, then you started to walk away, but someone grabbed your hand. You thought that it was your boyfriend, but it was the other guy in your life. "Seijuro-kun. Let me go."

"Don't go home alone. Hanashiro, walk her home." Akashi orders.

"But I'm not done with you yet!" Shu refuses.

Akashi glares at Shu, making the black haired male go down to his knees. "Those who go against me cannot look at me in the eye from above. You WILL listen to what I have to say."

The Hanashiro boy looks dreadfully frightened. All he could do was nod his head.

"You are to walk her home since she is your girlfriend and she actually values your relationship and insists to remain loyal to you." Akashi looks at you with love in his eyes. "We wouldn't want her walking home alone where anyone could have their way with her."

You smiled at Akashi and looked deeply into his heterochromic eyes. However, you were gazing so deeply into his eyes that you did not realise that your boyfriend was talking to you until he waved his hand in front of your face. "Hell-o! Earth to (f/n)! Let's get a move on. I want to get you home quick so then you can get enough rest. We have to take that English test tomorrow so I want you to be fresh for it."

When you finally came back, you nodded your head and allowed Shu to tke your hand and lead you out of the gym, but you were watching Akashi the whole time and he was watching you with a soft smile on his face.

"What REALLY went on between you and Akashi-kun yesterday after practice was over and I was in the locker room?" Shu asked for the millionth time.

You sighed deeply. "Shu-kun, as I have already told you, nothing happened. He just helped me and we started talking about you. Do you not like your own girlfriend talking about you?"

"It's not just that though." Shu pouts. "I feel like you are not telling me something. I think that there is more to that cut than you are letting on about."

"Oh." you say, "So you think that I am lying to you? You don't trust me? Shu-kun a relationship is built on trust. If you don't trust me, how is this-" you gestured between you and your boyfriend, "- going to work out?"

He looks like he is about to cry. "No. That's not what I am saying at all. I love you. I do not want to break up, but it seems like you do."

"This is getting annoying." you admit, "Fine. Let's break up. First you accuse me of lying and don't trust me, and now you say that I want to break up with you. You are absolutely ridiculous." You turned your head away from him.

"(f/n)! Please pay attention to me!" Shu starts whining.

"HANASHIRO-KUN!" Your Japanese History teacher yells at your now ex-boyfriend, "Please pay attention to the lesson and quit distracting poor (l/n)-san from listening to my lecture!"

You smiled and thanked your teacher in your head. Shu was quiet the rest of the class, but that did not stop him from annoying you in all of the other classes that you had him in.

At lunch, you were sick and tired of Shu Hanashiro and wanted some peace, so you sat at a different table, and guess who showed up next to you. Of course, your loving stalker.

"Shu-kun, please leaver me alone." You stated flatly. This was getting old.

"Tell me what I did wrong. I'll do better, I promise. Please give me a second chance. I'll do better. I'll treat you better. You are my empress after all." His begging was disgusting.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" You shouted at him. The whole cafeteria went silent and you quickly took your food that you no longer had any appetite for and threw it away. Swiftly and hurriedly, you left the lunch room and headed for the roof of the school.

"Ahhh~ It feels so good." You stretched out your arms and took in the fresh air.

"How was you lunch?"

You whirrled around to see Akashi standing before you with his hands in his pockets. He had an evil look on his face. "What do you want?"

"What I've always wanted." He said, "Isn't it obvious?" His eye was twitching and the gold one was flashing.

"Umm. Seijuro-kun?" You asked softly, "What's wrong with your eye?"

He pulled out his scissors. "I hated seeing you with him. I hated seeing you leave with him. I endured it. It was for you. I always wanted you, more than anyone else. Why couldn't you see it. You should've seen it. You broke my heart, but then you came back only to break it again." He was rambling on and on.

You honestly had no clue what to do. "I have no idea what you are talking about. I only met you through Shu Hanashiro and I don't really like the thought of that." You made a disgusted face at your ex's name leaving your lips.

"You don't remember. That's okay. I'll make you remember." Akashi takes a step towards you with his gold eye twitching and glowing with his face resembling an insane man. You back away, but then he shook his head and looked around. When he saw the scissors in his hand, a pained expression crossed his face. "I'm sorry, (f/n). I'm so sorry. I can't control it..." He whispers softly, but you catch it on the wind and try to stop him, but he is already off the roof.

"Seijuro-kun..." A tear slides down your face.

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