Chapter 10

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Sorry I have not posted in a long time. I have been caught up in a lot of things and it is just terrible. I will try harder! I am so sorry!

The following Saturday morning, you woke to a sharp knocking at your door accompanied by your mother's voice, "(f/n), your friend is here to see you! Get dressed and come meet her!"

Groaning you picked up your phone and checked the time. 9:00. Ugh. Who would be here at this time? You scanned for any new messages, but nothing. Aiko probably didn't have to deal with stuff like this. Why should you? Suddenly, you found yourself wishing that you had taken her up on her offer to stay at her house last night. You sluggishly got out of bed and got ready, but you felt like a zombie because you were texting Akashi until about 1:00. He was so sweet when you were not in public. In public he was just cold as ice.

"There you are!" Your mother exclaimed as you came down the stairs. "It is not nice to make people wait, you know! Didn't I teach you any manners? C'mon, we are in the kitchen just chatting."

You gasped when you walked into the kitchen to see Shizuka standing before you. She smiled and greeted you, but you were too shocked to say anything back. You just met this girl a few days ago and you don't remember telling her where you lived. This was really strange, creepy even. Could she be an angel sent to warn me of my impending death? You thought. Nah, That is too unreal. She would probably be a shinigami rather than an angel. Are shinigami like angels in a way? Your mind wandered away from the problem and you did not realize that you were being dragged out of your house by the little green-eyed girl.

The little raven haired girl brought you to a basketball court. You realize that this was the same basketball cout that you and Tetsuya met up at and played together on. "Do you like to play?" She asks you.

You nodded your head and she smiled brightly. She was so cute you wanted to snuggle her and buy her icecream. You even considered forgiving her for waking you up so early on a Saturday. She retrieved a basketball from the bag that she had with her. You were glad that you were dressed in clothes that you could play in. These were your lazy clothes so you thanked yourself for being lazy.

"What's wrong?" Shizuka asks, tilting her head to a side, making her look so adorable. "You have not been speaking much."

Noticing your rudeness, you quickly say, "Oh! I am sorry. I am just REALLY tired. I was up texting my boyfriend until 1:00, not planning to wake up so early on a Saturday."

Shizuka hangs he head, "I am so sorry. I just really wanted to play with someone. My brother is still in the hospital and he used to play with me all the time since I don't have any friends to play with."

The feeling of guilt washed over you. You just made a girl that came from wherever she came from to your house feel bad. She just wanted someone to play with, and being her new friend, you came to mind. You felt sorry for her since her brother was in the hospital, too. It looked like she really loved him. "It's fine." You assure her, "I am glad that I can get in some much needed exercise."

At your words, her face brightens and she looks up, making you smile. "Well, I also brought some water bottles so we can play like 3 games one on one, first to score ten baskets wins."

"Seems fair enough." Your smile widens.

Turns out she was better than you thought. You lost the first game, but after that you learned to not underestimate her and you came at her with full force, wining the other two games. When you got used to her style of play, it was easier to beat her.

"Wow!" Shizuka exclaimed, "You are really good! I didn't think that you would be that good! That was a lot of fun!"

"Yeah." You agreed. "We should do this again some time."

She packed away the ball and you were a little sad to see it go. You almost wanted to take it back out and keep playing, but it was obvious that the green eyed girl did not have the stamina to play another game. Mind fixed on the ball that was now trapped in the bag, you did not notice the girl asking you a question.

"What?" You asked.

She giggled, "Gee. You get distracted a lot. I asked if you would like to come with me to see my brother in the hospital."

What harm could it possibly do you if you went with the girl to see her brother that was supposedly on the baskeball team. There was no possible way that Akashi could find out so there was no harm done. "I would love to accompany you to see your brother." You replied with a warm smile.

The raven haired girl jumped for joy at your reply. She took you by the hand and led you into th direction of the hospital which wasn't that far from where you guys were. Thankfully.

When you walked into the hospital, the woman behind the desk smiled. As you approached with Shizuka, she asked, "You brought your broher a girl?"

"Yes I did!" She exclaimed happily, "He will be so happy! She is really pretty, too!"

You blushed and looked down. "I- I really am not..."

"Let's not make her uncofortable, okay?" She winked at Shizuka. "You can go see your brother now."

"Okay! Thanks! Let's go, (f/n)-chan!" She grabbed your hand and bounced down the hallway towards the elevator.

Curious, you asked where her brother was located. "Third floor, room 307. The first number indicates the floor that the room is on. It makes it easier, huh?"


The elevator came and you stepped on. You were smiling at Shizuka, but when you looked up, your smile vanished. Akashi was standing at the front desk talking to the woman. All the blood left your face and you felt numb. What if he sees me with Shizuka? You thought. He is going to be so mad at me. I could DIE if he sees me! Luckily for you, the elevator closed before you could be spotted by your boyfriend. You let out a sigh of relief.

"What is it?" The green eyes are fixed on you showing concern. "Is there something wrong?"

You shake your head. "N-No. I am more relieved than anything right now. I guess I just had a lot on my mind."

"Oh. Okay." She said. "I hope that you will tell me if anything is bothering you."

"I will. Don't worry."

A ding and the elevator doors opened at the 3rd floor. Shizuka dashed out and down the hall. You struggled to keep her in sight. She may have been only two years younger than you, but she had more energy than a kindergardener. They were little monsters, bouncing around everywhere and only stopping for their naps.

You finally caught up to the 8th grader to find her standing outside of a room. You looked at the number. 307. Her brother was in there. She must have been waiting for you.

"Are you ready to see my brother?" She asked excitedly while her hand was on the handle of the door.

"Ready as I will ever be." You answered.

She opened the door and motioned for you to go in. She closed the door behind you. You gasped as you saw who was lying in the hospital bed.


His green eyes widened. "(f/n)? (f/n) (l/n)? Is it really you?"

You felt sick and dizzy. This could not be happening. It hit you then why Shizuka looked so familiar. She looked a lot like her brother. Their eyes, hair, and skin tone were the same. They also had similar features.

The room started spinning and you felt extremely strange. What was happening? Your body felt heavy. Everything went black.

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