Chapter 14

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When you awoke, You were in Akashi's room, in his bed. You looked over to your right to see Akashi slumped over in a chair, sleeping soundly. How long have I been out? He looks tired. You think to yourself. You checked the clock beside the bed. 00:00. Damn. It's really late. My parents are probably worried out of their minds! But you decided to deal with the issue at hand.

"Seijuro," You shook him lightly, "If you want to sleep, please come and sleep on the bed." He did not respond. You sighed and pulled him onto the bed with you.

Unfortunately, you pulled him directly on yourself, and he sure was heavy! "Seijuro! Seijuro! You're too heavy! You need to get off!" You could not push him off for some reason. You heard a wicked laugh as he looked up at you with a twisted smile on his face, his eyes glowing brightly. He pulled out the chain cutters and began stabbing your body. You screamed out and struggled to get him off of you, but he was stronger than you, as you already knew.

You woke up screaming at the top of your lungs. In a second, Akashi was over you, trying to calm you down. His soft voice calmed you down. His gentle touch was soothing and warm. He checked you all over to see if you were okay. When he decided that you were A-OK, he laid back down beside you on the bed. You were in his room, just like the dream, but this was different. It felt... peaceful.

"You scared me when you were not at your house." he said. You felt bad, but there was nothing to say to him. There was nothing you could say to make everything okay. You did not listen to him and you both paid for it. "I asked your mother where you went and she told me that you were with a young girl with black hair and green eyes. She did not know the name, but I knew. I... knew." His voice quivered, sending a knife through your heart. "Do you know how terrified I was of losing you? I almost... almost lost you forever... I ran over to the hospital that Shu was in as fast as I could, but I did not make it in time. I am sorry that I could not stop that from happening." His head was bowed with his hair in his face, but you could see tears flowing down his cheeks and dripping off of his chin.

"S-Seijuro..." You managed to croak out before you started crying too. He embraced you tightly and you both sat there softly and silently crying.

After a while, you both pulled back to gaze at each other. Akashi looked at your eyes with love in his, though his were red and puffy from all of the crying. His face was stained with tears, but the flow had stopped at last.

"While you were sleeping, I checked on Shu." He told you.

"How was he?" You asked.

"His body was going through... some things." He averted his eyes for the last part. He seemed uncomfortable.

Curious about this, you asked, "What kind of things?"

"His body was convulsing. With that kind of thing that happened to his sister, the voodoo spell or whatever witchcraft she put on him was all violently leaving his body at the same time. It seems that there was more than one spell used."

"She must have used it more than once because it was taking a long time for me to break up with him." You recalled Shizuka's frustration, "Then, she tried to undo it a couple of times, but to no avail. The first spell must have been too strong. Used more than once..."

Akashi looked in your eyes, but this time with pure happiness, "It does not look like he is going to make it through this. It looks like we are free. We are finally free from this."

You try to feel bad for Shu. It was not his fault really, but it was because of him that all of this happened to you and your new partner, Akashi.

"Seijuro, I love you."

"Do you really love me, (f/n)?"

"Of course!"

"Then can I ask something of you?" He seemed sincere.

"Anything, Seijuro." You spoke from your heart.

He smirks, "Come shower with me then."

Forget 50 Shades of Grey! His statement made you turn 50 shades of Red! You froze and did not know how to respond. You kind of wanted to, but you did not at the same time. You open your mouth to say 'yes', but Akashi bursts into laughter.

"I am only kidding. It has been a long day so I will not trouble you with such things."

Surprisingly, your face became redder. You punched his arm,"Bakashi!"

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