Chapter 13

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Akashi holds you in a crushing embrace and you can feel his heart racing. He was sweating so you guessed that he must have been running around looking for you. It made you happy on the inside to know that he was worried, but you worried that he would get so angry that he might pull out his scissors and slit your throat. What if the other him came out at this exact moment? you thought to yourself, I could seriously die. You started shaking and he noticed.

"What is wrong, (f/n)? Are you hurt anywhere? What did she do to you?" He bombards you with questions, but then he notices your hands and feet are bounded. He pulls out his scissors and you involuntarily flinch. "It is alright. I will not hurt you. I am just so happy that I have you back safe and sound." He cuts the chains and you are free. Wait. Chains?

"How can your scissors cut the chains?" You asked him.

He looks at you confused, "Um, these are chain cutters, not scissors."

"Why do you have chain cutters with you?" You interrogated him.

Exasperated he sighs and puts the scissors away, "This is not the time to be asking things like this. We can talk more about this later, but for now tell me where the little girl is."

You almost persist, but you decide not to since his wrath was not toward you. You would rather it turned toward Shizuka than you in all honesty. "She is just behind these doors. They only open from this side, but beware, she is really crazy."

"I am crazier." He smirks and opens the door.

Shizuka tries to rush out past Akashi, but he grabs he by the throat and brings her inside of the room with him. He smiles evily, "We will only be a second, (f/n)." A shiver runs down your spine and you feel sorry for Shizuka for like a second, then you remember that she is a crazy psycho bitch from the other side of hell. There. No more feeling sorry.

From where you are, you can hear what was going on perfectly clear. That is something that you regret with all of your might, you wished you walked away.

"Tell me something, Shizuka." You hear Akashi's icy voice, "Why did you do that to my beloved (f/n)?" You heard something that sounded like Shizuka spitting in your boyfriend's face, but that would be suicide. She would not- "You little BITCH." You could imagine Akashi saying that with his eyes flashing wildly. "I am going to make you scream and cry to the devil to make the pain stop." You heard something like tearing flesh followed by Shizuka's screams and the sound of a liquid splashing everywhere. "Where is Shu?" He asks the girl.

"I will never tell you!" She hisses at him.

"You do not need your right eye." Akashi's words were followed by a spine-tingling sound that you wish to forget and Shizuka's ear-shattering scream. "Tell me, tell me now~" Akashi sang, "Or this game will go on forever~"

"I would rather die than tell you where he is!"

"Oh no!" He pretends distress, "You cannot die yet!" Then his voice changes to pure evil, "I am not done having fun with you yet! Bye bye right arm!" The sickening tearing of flesh and the splattering of the liquid and Shizuka's screams were nothing to Akashi for he was laughing throughout it like a mad man, not the loud laughing, though. No, it could not have been the less scary loud mad man laughing, but the scary quieter mad man.

You were so thankful that he was behind the door. You feared that he might have turned on you if you were there with him and that poor girl that you were feeling sorry for despite her being a crazy psycho bitch from the other side of hell. Hell would probably not be as bad as that. You thought to yourself, He could really be the devil. Tears flowed down your face as you lay curled up on the floor covering your ears, trying to block out all of the horrifying sounds.

"Bye bye right leg!" Tearing flesh, SPLATTER, screams, "Bye bye left leg!" Tearing flesh, SPLATTER, screams, "Bye bye-!"

"OKAY OKAY!" You hear Shizuka scream at the top of her lungs, "I WILL TELL YOU WHERE HE IS! Please... Stop... Please... NO! NOOOOO! PUT IT DOWN! AHHHHHHHH! NOOOOO! PUT IT DOWN! NO MORE NO MORE!"

"I am sorry, Shizuka," Akashi says insincerely. You could picture him holding the scissors up covered in blood in one hand, and Shizuka by her neck with the other hand. "I really am, but you put my precious (f/n) through all of this, spit in my face, and got me covered in blood. You are a terrible little girl, and you must pay for it. I promise I will not kill you, but you must tell me while I am delivering your punishment. If you cannot tell me before you pass out from blood loss, then I will revive you only to start this process over again. You would not want that, now would you?" You heard the small girl whimper. "Now, let us start again! Bye bye left arm!"


"Hmmm. She passed out already. I guess all fun things must come to an end..." Akashi sighs in sadness. You hear the door open, but you do not even bother to get up. You already know who it is." What are you doing on the floor, (f/n)?"

"How could you do that?" You mumble.

"I do not understand." He confesses, "Did you want me to leave you here for her to torture you?"

"She was not going to torture me..."

"Really? I found the chain cutters and blueprints entitled "(f/n)'s punishment" in a room in this building. I used her own punishment method she had for you on her."

"WHAT!?" You look at him to see him covered in blood. That could have been my blood all over that lying bitch! Serves her right!

Akashi led you down the hall and into a room on your right. In the room, you found tons of torture devices and, sure enough, a whole book filled with blueprints for torture entitled, "(f/n)'s punishment". Suddenly the world started spinning and you felt dizzy. You could hear Akashi's voice worriedly calling out your name, but you could not respond. Everything went black.

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