Chapter 15

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The long awaited ending is finally here! writing this story has been a struggle since I wanted it to be perfect and suffered from writers' block on several occasions, but I managed to do it. Thank you to everyone who supported me. I loved reading your comments and receiving your votes. I will write more stories later so please look for them. And now, without further ado, the 15th and last part in "Taming the Beast (Seijuro Akashi x Reader)"! :D

Everyone was wearing black today. It was the day of Shu and Shizuka's funeral. No one really knows what happened and the police are still investigating. They found Shizuka's body in one of the Hanashiro's family houses. Apparently, they had more than one. Who knew?

You still did not know how Akashi was able to find you. You did not ask about it, so he did not tell. It was not really something that you were both comfortable talking about just yet. The whole kidnapping happened just two weeks ago. It was still fresh in your mind.

When Shu's body stopped convulsing, his heart stopped. When he flat lined, the hospital called his parents. They were devastated. Shu's parents tried to contact Shizuka to tell her of the news, but they could not reach her. They looked for her everywhere, but to no avail. Four days later, the cleaning lady for that house found her dead in that room that you would have died in if Akashi had not come in and saved you.

The police determined that she had been violently stabbed and passed out, then was left there to bleed out, which she did. She lost too much blood. It was crazy how they were so accurate with their conclusion. What if they found out who was behind it? What if they found out that it was Akashi? Would they take him away from me? I do not know what I would do without him in my life. Oh jeez. I think I am in love with him. You try to push these thoughts aside and focus on the funeral. There was a lot of people crying, but you and Akashi were not.

After the funeral, you went home with Akashi.

"Ah! That funeral was torture!" You exclaimed as you removed you dress and tossed it to the far side of the room.

"We had to go. They would have suspected us otherwise." Akashi stated, removing his tie, then his suit jacket.

You sat at the edge of the bed and removed your shoes. "I know, but I did not cry. Do you think that they would use that to make me a suspect?"

He unbuttoned his shirt. "No. People deal with grief in different ways. Some people just do not cry. They will probably think that you were one of those people." His shirt was dropped to the floor.

"That is reassuring." You said as you crawled under the covers. "Hurry up and come over here. I am so cold."

Akashi chuckled, "It is your fault for undressing." His pants were on the floor and he sat at the edge of the bed removing his shoes and socks.

"I was cold before then. It is your fault for always keeping your house so cold.

In only his boxers, he climbed on top of you. "Yeah, but if it was warm, I would not have this golden opportunity with you." He kissed your lips gently then crawled under the covers and cuddled with you.

"You are so warm." You smiled at him. He is always so warm. Inside and out. I really do love him for it, but I have not told him it yet. Even after everything that had happened, I still could not say it.



"You will stay with me forever, right?"

"Forever is a long time." When he frowned at you, you laughed. "I am only kidding! I will love you and stay with you forever and ever and ever!"

Your boyfriend smiled at you, "Good. I am glad."

After a while of laying there, enjoying each other's company, Akashi startled you, "I want six children. Three boys, Three girls."

"I believe this is too sudden. We are not there yet, dear."

"We must get this settled right away." He insisted earnestly. His eyes sparkled, not glowed. He looked adorable so you planted a kiss on his lips. "(f/n)..."

"I love you, Akashi Seijuro." You were finally able to say it.

He was surprised at first, but then he smiled, "I love you too, (l/n) (f/n). Some day, I will make you mine officially and you will bear the name Akashi. I swear it to you."

"I look forward to that day."

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