Chapter 12

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In the dark room, you sat in shock at how cold Shizuka was to you just before she left. I always thought it strange how Shu suddenly changed from best boyfriend ever to the most obsessive boyfriend ever. It was like he went home one person and came back another one. It was quite strange. She said it was her fault. She said that it was because she asked him to bring me over. Shu never felt like he was not good enough for me, did he? He sure did not act like it. You sighed, It is best not to dwell on such things. It will only put me down in the dumps. You laughed bitterly, Is that not where I am right now because I did not look into Shu's behavior?

You slowly made your way over to where you remember that the door was. When you found the door, you put your back to it to feel around the bottom of it with your fingers, which was not an easy task. Just as you thought, It was sealed on the bottom preventing light from getting inside of the room. You were completely alone and helpless. Will someone come for me? You asked yourself, My mom knows that I was with Shizuka and the lady at the front desk saw me with Shizuka. Akashi was at the hospital. Why was he there? I hope everything is alright. What if someone close to him was in the hospital? You shook you head. I do not have time to be worrying about other people. I have to work about myself. Wait. What if Akashi was there looking for me? He apparently knew something about Shizuka, right. He was suspicious of her and warned me about her, so he would suspect her. He probably went to my house looking for me an then my mom told him that I was with Shizuka and went to the hospital that Shu is at. He just missed me too! You felt frustrated. If Akashi had only seen you, things would not have turned out this way. You had been kidnapped and now in this unfamiliar place that only Shizuka and probably Shu knew.

Something about Shu had been different when you saw him in the hospital verses the first day you met him and it was not the desire for you in his eyes, even though that was hella creepy. Wait a second! The thing had become clear as day, Shu had blue eyes, not green! You felt dizzy suddenly. What was going on? Why did Shu not have blue eyes anymore? The only thing that you could think of was that the person that you were dating towards the end of your relationship was not Shu, but someone else. Shizuka was in fact lying.

You posted yourself by the door and waited for Shizuka. It did not take long for her to come back.

"(f/n)-chan~ are you all done with your food?" She chirped.

You did not answer and you were too afraid to breath.

The green-eyed girl pouted, "So you are going to stay quiet, huh? Oh well, suit yourself. I am the only company that you will have until Shu gets out of the hospital. Then you two will have SOOOOO much fun together." The girl grinned evilly and made her way over to where the tray of food was.

When she made it to the tray, you hopped out from behind the shadow of the door. You soundlessly hopped through the door. Putting your back to the door, you grabbed the handle and hopped forward, closing the door behind you.

The girl, noticing that you were escaping and locking her in, screeched in rage, "No! What do you think you are doing!?" She came at you, but she was too late. By the time that she reached the door, you had already closed it and it could only be opened from the outside. She banged and banged on the door. "This was not supposed to happen! You were supposed to be locked in here forever!"

Curious, you started to ask her about that, "Why am I supposed to be locked in there forever?"

"Because of what you did to us!" Shizuka's voice sounded venomous, "You! How dare you do this to us! To me! You ruined everything!"

"What did I ever do to you?" You asked confused. You had never met the girl before that one practice. What is she talking about?

"Shu and I were happy together before you came along and ruined it!" She spat at you from the other side of the door.

"What are you talking about?" You questioned, "Are you and Shu not siblings?"

"Our love is complicated!" She defended. "We were so happy, so close before you came along and ruined everything. It started when I was in 6th grade and we had that little education class about boys and girls. I started getting curious and asked Shu about some stuff. He said that it was his duty as my brother to teach me." Oh God! That sick bastard!  You sank to the floor. You wanted to throw up. He had a relationship and even did the dirty with his sister! To top it all off, with that same mouth, he kissed you! With those same hands, he held yours. So disgusting! This family really has problems! You wanted her to stop, but she did not, "It was amazing. The ways that he touched me and kissed me as like none that I had ever experienced before. It was pure bliss." She sighed in there, but then her voice was cold, "But then one night, I went to his room, but he did not touch me. He sent me away and said that it was over. Why would it be over? He said that we should have never happened and that he had found someone else. I followed him to one of your dates and saw you. You were so beautiful and charming. I hate everything about you. I started working on hypnotism. When I perfected it, I acted like a good little sister just trying to show her brother a trick, 'ne, ne onii-tan! I want to show you a magic trick', I said. 'Okay, but I have a lot of homework to do and I want to call (f/n)-chan so we can have a nice long chat before bed', he said to my disgust. With my hypnotism, I changed him to be obsessed with you. I wanted it to ruin your life and make you break up with him, but you took longer than I expected to break up with him. I was impatient and used it again. The day after I used it again, you broke up with him. I was so happy. I tried to undue the hypnosis, but it did not work. Then... then... then that monster that you call a boyfriend did that to him and you did not even bother to stay with him until the ambulance came! What kind of human are you!?"

You did not know what to say. This was a lot to take in. You were dating a guy that committed incest and then cruelly cast his sister aside, only to be hypnotized by her and dumped by you and nearly murdered by Akashi. You almost felt sorry for him. If he was not such a sick fuck, you would have.

Just then, you heard footsteps. The footsteps were coming towards you. Your mind screamed at you to get up and move away from there, but you had one more question to ask.

"Was the hypnosis what turned Shu's eyes green?"

"Heh. You really want to know?"

The footsteps were getting loser, "Yes! Just tell me!"

"His eyes changed to the color of the one that loves him the most." She explained, "It is a side affect of the hypnosis since it was dealing with love."

"That does not sound like hypnosis at all. That sounds more like-" You were suddenly grabbed and you screamed in surprise and fear.

"(f/n)! (f/n)! It is me!" The voice was familiar so you opened your eyes to see-


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