Chapter 2

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"A-Akashi-k-kun!" You exclaim as the short readhead stradles you. "W-What are y-you doing!?"

Akashi kisses your neck and brings his lips to your ear, "I told you to submit to me. That was a command. Obey me." He bites your ear and his hot breath sends tingles down your spine.

You try to push him off of you, but he was surprisingly strong. "A-Akashi! Akashi-kun! P-Please stop this! Shu could be back any second!"

"Like I care!" He growls and crashs his lips on yours roughly. His tongue slides across your lower lip asking you for entrance into your mouth. You refused so he bit your lip causing you to gasp and giving him the perfect oppritunity to shove his tongue in your mouth. You tried to scream as your mouth was being violated, but it was muffled.

You kicked and scored. Your leg hit his crotch and he groaned and rolled over. "Shit!" He hissed as he tumbled and fell onto the floor. Taking the chance, you jump up and dart away from the bleechers. You crash into Shu just coming out of the boys' locker room.

"Wow." Shu smiles, "Did you want to see me that badly?"

"Y-Yes." You answer truthfully, "I am really happy to see you."

Shu takes your hand and gestures towards the door on the other side of the gym, "Shall we, milady?"

You shyly nod and let him take you away from the disaster that was just avoided.

While you and Shu were walking, you turn to him, "Shu-kun, what do you think about Akashi-kun?" When he looks at you surpised, you hide your face and blush deeply, "W-What? Did I say something weird?"

He flashes you his perfect white smile and shakes his head, "It's nothing, (f/n)-chan. You just never used any honorifics before this."

"I just remembered that in Japan, it is customary to use honorifics. In America, we don't use them. But what about you? You didn't use them before now." You defend yourself.

"I have studied America for a while because I have been wanting to go there, but I have never had the chance to. I found out that they didn't use honorifics, so to make you feel okay and more at home here, I decided to not use honorifics around you."

You smiled up at him. He was about 4 inches taller than you. "Thanks, Shu-kun."

He blushes and looks away, scratching the back of his neck. "It was nothing really." Then, he turns to you and looks into your (e/c) eyes with his deep blue ones. The both of you stare intently into each other's eyes, but then he breaks the connection, "S-So about your question. Akashi-kun, right? He's a good leader and the perfect gentleman. He is amazing at everything that he does and never loses at anything. He says that he is always right and that he won't accept anyone going against him to look down on him. He is fierce and keeps everyone in line, but does his best for the team and will lead us to victory. What do I think about him? I think he is a good guy overall."

"Good guy huh?" You mutter under your breath.

He noticed that and asks, "Is there something wrong, (f/n)-chan?"

"Nothing." You force yourself to smile. You notice that you have almost reached your house, but then you see a red eye and a gold eye in the shadows. You gasp and cling to Shu. "SHU-KUN!"

"Woah!" He is taken by surprise and holds you close. "What's wrong?"

You look back to the place where you thought you saw Akashi's eyes, but you could not see them anymore. "I-I thought I saw something. I'm sorry." You hang your head in shame.

"Hey," Shu says, "don't feel down about it. I thought that was kind of cute."

When you finally reach your house, you hug Shu and thank him for today. At first, you thought that he was going to kiss you, but he just said goodnight and just walked away.

The next day as you were walking in the courtyard before school began, you were stopped by a certain redheaded basketball player.

"Hello, (f/n)-chan." He purred his greeting.

"I didn't know that we were on a first name basis." You replied dryly.

He smirked, "Why wouldn't we be?"

"That was my first kiss, you rotten elf!" and with that, you swiftly turned away from him. What the hell was his problem? Why is he treating me like this? You asked yourself.

"Yo! (f/n)-chan!" You smile as you hear Shu's voice. He was the only decent person that you met yesterday.

You walk over to him and greet him, "Hello, Shu-kun. I see you made it hom safely."

"Uh. Yeah." He shifts uncomfortably from foot to foot. "Um. (f/n)-chan?"

"mm?" You tilt your head to a side that makes Shu think you are even more adorable than before.

He blushes deeply then looks down, "It's nothing. Let's go to class." The raven haired beauty grabs your hand and leads you to class, much to the annoyance of a heterochromic boy.

At lunch, you sat next to your raven haired friend just like yesterday and just when he was getting to the part on how much he adored your beautiful (e/c) eyes that twinkled like the rarest gems, Seijuro interrupted. "That's enough. Get up and switch places with me."

"W-What?" Shu was stunned. "Why, Akashi-kun?"

"That was an order. Switch. Now." He didn't even have to change from his monotone to sound scary. I guess, fearing of disobeying his captain's orders, Shu got up and switched places with Seijuro. So now you were sitting by the guy that molested you and took your lips' virginity last night.

You rubbed your lips, feeling sorry about them being soiled.

"Remembering something nice, (f/n)-chan?" Seijuro whispers teasingly so that only you could hear.

"You're disgusting and I hate you." You whisper back with a smile plastered on your face so that the Hanashiro boy won't know what you are saying.

You feel a warm hand on your leg under the table, "You don't really mean that, do you?" You didn't have to look at his face to know that he had a smirk on.

"This is my second day here. Cut me some slack!" You got up and walked away from the table, throwing away all of your uneaten food. You didn't really have much of an appetite now that you realised that Seijuro Akashi not only stole your first kiss, but makes your heart flutter with meer words. His touch made you feel insane. What about Shu-kun? You thought to yourself sadly, That's it! I promise not to fall in love with Akashi-kun!


~Authour's Note:As many of you probably realise by now, Shu Hanashiro is a made up character to make the plot a bit more dramatic. Poor Shu... All he wants is to be loved! This is only my second fan fiction, but I think I am doing pretty well. Thanks for reading everyone! :D

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