Chapter 9

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I know that I should have posted sooner, but I was busy with BPA, Track, and homework. It's been a lot of stress and I haven't had the time. Sorry, guys, but here is the long awaited chapter 9. Enjoy.

You stayed after school to watch Akashi practice basketball with the other guys. You feared that it would upset him if you weren't there. It was also the fact that he was your new boyfriend that you stayed to watch. His wild eyes flashed through your mind. Shaking off the unpleasant memory, you focused on the short redhead on the court. No one could beat him. He was, as he said, absolute. What he orders, others will do.

Sweat beaded down his face making it glisten under the lights of the gym. They were about halfway through the workout you concluded based off of the schedule Akashi gave you. While you were gazing out at your devilishly handsome boyfriend working out, you didn't notice when someone approached you.

"Hello, there!" A cheery voice greeted you making you nearly jump out of your skin. She was a small girl about 137 centimeters. She was rather cute with her button nose and big green eyes. Her hair was styled into 2 black pigtails high on either side of her head. She did look a little familiar, but you don't recall seeing her anywhere, plus, she had on a junior high uniform.

 After you recomposed yourself, you greeted her back. "Uh. Hi. What are you doing here?"

"My brother wanted me to see what his team was doing while he was away." She answered with a bright smile.

Scanning over the area, you didn't see anyone missing. You looked back at her then back to te group of boys practicing. Finally giving up on matching her to anyone, you turned back to the small girl. "What is your name?" You asked her offering a smile.

She shook her littlehead and giggled. "You're supposed to give your name before asking someone else for theirs, silly!"

Realising your blunder, you corrected yourself, "I'm sorry. Let's start over. My name is (f/n) (l/n). What is yours?"

"Shizuka. I am in the 8th grade."

"Oh. I'm in the 10th grade. There's not so much difference in our ages."

She thinks for a moment, then asks, "Why are you here?"

"My boyfriend is on the team." You smile as you say the answer.

Shizuka then looks at the boys practicing and excitedly asks, "Which one is your boyfriend. Their all really handsome."

You point to Akashi, "The one wearing the number 4."

The girl's face darkens for a second, "Oh... Really?" but then it goes back to her cheery self, "Hey! Do you want to come with me to see my brother after this?"

"Umm. I don't think I can." You say sadly.

She tilts her head to the side, confused. "Why not?"

You scratch the back of your head, "Well, my boyfriend wouldn't like it if I went somewhere to see another guy."

"You have a mind and will of your own, don't you?!" She insists, "You should come since he is unwell! He would be here otherwise! I'm sure he would love to see you!"

"Shhhh!" Youcover her mouth with both of your hands, and look at the court. Akashi made no sign that he had heard. Relieved, you exhaled, glad that you had chosen to sit all the way at the top of the bleachers. Taking your hands off of her mouth, you put a finger up to yours, signaling he to keep quiet. "You can't speak so loud. If he hears you trying to coax me into seeing another guy saying that he would 'love to see me', who knows what he might do." You shivered at the thought of it.

"Are you okay?" She asks concered, "Does he hurt you?"

Realising what you just said, you quickly try to take it back, "Oh no! Oh no!"You hastily wave your arms in front of you, denying it with all of your might, "Of course not! He's very sweet! When he wants to be... He's quite charming! When he doesn't have his scissors or that wild look in his eyes... He drove me to school this morning! After it was his fault I had fallen asleep at his house... But we're really happy together! Sometimes... Most of the time!" Smiling hopefully after all of your rambling, you wished that she would believe all of the stuff that you had spewed, minus the stuff that you had said under your breath.

Shizuka looked at you with nothing but pity in her green eyes. "Okay. I see now." She puts her hands on your shoulders, which was very hard froor her since she was so short, and looked at you with determination. "I will free you from your burdens. Don't worry. All of this will be over and you can be with your one true love. Please be patient and you will be happy at last." She offers you a smile and before you could say anything, she bolts to the door. The small raven haired girl stops just before the door and smiles brightly at you while waving. You waved back, and then she strode outside of the door. Sitting down, you began to watch the practice again.

After practice, you decend the bleachers and greet your handsome boyfriend. "Hey, Seijuro-kun."

"Who was that?" He asks coldly.

You're taken aback by his coldness and his icy glare. "T-That was Shizuka..."

"Why was she here?" The interrogation continues.

"Her um brother uh couldn't c-come to practice." Forming words and setences was quite hard cosidering all the pressure you were under. "She decided to um come and... W-Watch the uh practice? F-For her um brother?"

He clicks his tongue, clearly pissed. "Don't talk to her anymore. I don't like her and don't go to see her older brother if she asks you to. Understood?"

Your heart sinks. This relationship obviously wasn't based on equality or democracy. You just not your head and look down at your feet.

"Tsk." Akashi grabs the back of your hair and forces you to look at him. "Did I not ask you a question? If I take the breath to as you a question, you are going to take the breath to answer it. Understand?"

"Y-Yes, Aka- I mean Seijuro-kun!" You cry out.

He lets you go and starts walking. You silently follow behind. Did I really give up my other relationship for this? You think sadly. Look at me, I am too afraid to even THINK his name in my head! W-What if Seijuro-kun could hea my thoughts!? He would kill me!

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