Chapter 3

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A small kiss on your cheeck interrupts your thoughts. You turn to see your boyfriend of 2 weeks smiling at you.

"Hey, you." He says warmly, "What's on your mind?"

You shake your head and smile back at him, "Nothing, Shu-kun." It wasn't nothing. In fact, it was a great something. Recently, Seijuro Akashi was backing off of you. You wondered what that meant. I thought that he wasn't going to let up and I was mad at him for not taking my relationship with Shu into consideration, but I feel kind of empty now that he is leaving me alone... you think to yourself. And what was up with him that night?

You remember your last conversation with Akashi from about a week ago like it was yesterday:

~Flash back to 8 days ago~

After practice while Shu is in the locker room getting ready to walk you home, Akashi slips his hand around your waist.

"You look simply ravashing tonight." He purrs into your ear.

You push him away from you and immediately miss the warmth. "I'm dating Shu-kun, not you, Akashi-kun."

He growls and grabs your wrist tightly, making you cry out, "What? Hanashiro? Why are you with him when you obviously like me more?" His face was inches from yours and you are gazing into his beautiful heterochromic eyes.

"Let me go and stay away from me, Akashi-kun." You say, trying to keep your voice level, but you were dying on the inside. You wanted to be with him, but you didn't have the heart to break up with Shu. He was so into you and you thought that was cute, but he could be overbearring at times. Akashi could be too.

Just then, you saw something flash in his eyes. With the hand that was not holding your wrist, he grabs a pair of red scissors from his pocket and pushes you onto the bleechers, holding them to your neck. "Why won't you obey me?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Obey me!" His face was twisted into a frightening, demonic look. You gasped as you slammed against the cold, hard bleechers and the scissors started cutting into your neck. Your blood was flowing down your neck. "Oh look at that. Is that blood? You look good in red. I wish you would wear red more often and serve me. Wear my color."

"Akashi-kun! Get off of me! Let me go!" Tears were streaming from your eyes as you looked into his wild ones. That crazed look in his eyes put you on edge. Just as you were about to scream for help, he got off of you and walked away. A few seconds later, Shu is hovering over you asking you what was wrong. You were in a state of shock, so he carried you home. Taking the next day off from school, you cried and cried and cried. Why is this happening to me? You asked yourself as you rocked back and forth on your bed.

~end of flash back~

"You've been spacing out more often since that... incident." Shu looks at you with concern in his eyes and he gently strokes your cheek. "Do you want me to take you home?"

You shake your head and he removes his hand from your face. "I think I just need some space."

"Oh. I-"

"Hanashiro-san, (l/n)-san, would you like to share with the class what seems to be more interesting than English?" Your teacher calls you two out.

Your boyfriend looks down and blushes at being called out "No, sensei."

Your teacher looks satisfied, but then says, "Good, then Hanashiro-san, please read the next paragraph."

As the raven haired basketball player reads the text in English, you absentmindedly stare out the window and try not to think about Seijuro Akashi.

At lunch, the red emporer sat at the other end of the table and refused to look at you. Everyone else greeted you and treated you warmly. Everyone except him. It stabbed your heart, but you tried not to let it bother you.

"Hey, (f/n)-chan. Aishiteru (Love you)." You could only guess who that was as a gentle kiss was planted on your cheek.

"I am so jealous of you two!"  Hayama Kotaro exclaimed. He was a regular on the Rakuzan team and one of the uncrowned kings. "I wish I had someone to love and hold and-" he mad a kissy face and held himself.

You giggled at this and chatted away with him when your boyfriend started feeling jealous. He wrapped his arm around your waist and held you closer. "Pay more attention to me~" he whined.

Shu did this often and it annoyed you when he did this. "Shu, please stop." You removed his arms and crossed yours in front of your chest. You tried to look at him sternly, but broke when helooked at you with his puppy dog eyes. He was just too cute. Pecking him on the cheek you forgave him.

"Try not to make any more trouble in your classes. Your pathetic show of affection will have to come to an end if you are distracted from your studies." Akashi didn't have to talk loud, but there was so much power in his voice. He had such an overpowering aura of, well, an emporer. Shu thought that he was talking to him, but you knew. You could see that from the corner of his eye, Akashi was looking at you. It made you tingle inside and you blushed. A small smirk flashed on his face for a second because he knew that you knew exactly who he was talking to.

As you went through your classes, you could not stop thinking about how Akashi had talked to you. It was the first time in a while, but a dark thought crossed your mind. What if the other Akashi comes out?

At basketball practice, you could only look at Akashi. He looked sexier than he usually did. The redhead looked amazing as he oversaw the practice. You wanted him so bad, to hold you, to love you. What were you to do? You were still with Shu...

"Hey. I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I really can't hold back for much longer." Akashi sounded like he was in pain.


"Seijuro." He corrected you, "Please call me Seijuro."

"Seijuro-kun," you began, "I have ben thinking a lot about you, too." At this, he smiled. "But, what you did that other night..." you shuddered at the memory of the scissor blade cutting through your throat and that crazed look in Akashi's eyes. "and I am still with Shu-kun." at the mention of Shu's name, the captain's smile faded and his expression darkened.

You noticed the look in his eyes was the same as when he assulted you. "You... Do you have any idea how I feel about you? Do you not know how much I love you? You.. You... Don't know the half of it. You keep mentioning Hanashiro, but I saw today. I saw that you were annoyed with the way he was all over you and getting all jealous over you simply talking to one of your friends. That was pitiful. He was acting like a hopeless child stuck to his mother. He's beneath you." He looked smug.

"How dare you talk about my boyfriend like that!" Honestly, you knew he was right. Every single word, but you would not let him know that. You were not going to let him stand before you (looking as sexy as ever, might I add) and insult your boyfriend. "If you want me to like you, make me! Don't go around insulting him like that. I don't like your attitude. You are simply a sore loser! Does it hurt to know that you lost to a guy like that?" Okay, that last one was pushing it, but you wanted to wipe that smug ass look off of his face.

He grabbed you by the hair and forcibly brought your face to his and he roughly kissed you. He pushed you back against the wall (You decided you were going to stay away from the bleechers. Look what good that did you.) and crashed his lips onto yours over and over again with enough force to bruise. Akashi's hands were all over you, feeling your body and getting familiar with the territory that he claimed was his. He trailed kisses from your mouth, down your jawline and on your neck.

"Seijuro-kun." You moaned, but then you realised what you were doing and pushed him away. You felt dirty for cheating on Shu. He was so nice to you and treated you like an empress, but you still preferred a guy that acted so rudely and forcefully towards you. "What are you doing? Shu-kun could walk out here at any moment!"

Just then, something whisked past your face and you felt a stinging pain on your cheek. You touched the pained area with your hand and felt a thick, hot, liquid. Something was shining in Akashi's hand and you realised what had happened. He just cute you with the scissors. The scissors raised again and the assulter brought them to his lips, licking the blood from off of them. "You're so tasty. I want to devour you." He smiled with that look in his eyes. Then, he held the scissors at your neck. "If you mention Hanashiro when you are with me again, my scissors will pay him a visit."

"Akashi-kun? What are you doing with (f/n)-chan?" the voice belonged to your boyfriend.

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