Chapter 7

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Your eyes flutter open and you are in a bed in an unfamiliar room. There is a warmth next to you and you want to relish it so you are about to go back to sleep before you realise something. Warmth comes from living things. You don't remember owning a dog and your parents wouldn't sneak into your bed with you. You didn't have siblings and this wasn't your room; it was big though. Realising that with the warmth, there is a weight on you, you turn to your side and see red hair.


There is a groan and the red hair moves and you see a red eye. The eye closes and the face buries itself in your chest.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" You scream and try to shove him off, but he doesn't budge.

"Stop moving." He mumbles into your chest. "That's an order. I'm trying to sleep."

You make a face. "Easy for you to say. You're not being molested in someone else's house."

He picks his head up and rests his chin in the valley between your breasts. "I'm not the one who fell asleep on someone in their car and wouldn't wake up no matter what." He buries his face in your chest again. I am so thankful that I am wearing the clothes from last night, or I would not be able to stand this at all. You think to yourself.

Stroking his hair, you murmur, "You could have just dropped me at my house. My parents would have taken me off your hands. This could have all been avoided."

"I don't want it to be avoided." His voice causes vibrations on your chest that tickle you.

"C'mon, Seijuro-kun, get up." You try to push him off.

"My orders are absolute." He says sleepily, "You cannot go against them." Yawn. "Be a good subservient-" Yawn "and go back to sleep." Within seconds, you could hear and feel the soft breathing of Akashi Seijuro.

You couldn't help but giggle at his cuteness. You could never have imagined that the scary captain of the Rakuzan Basketball team could have a side like this to him. It made you want to know more about him and what he really was like. Pondering, you dozed off.

"Oi!" You heard a voice. "We're late for school! Get up!"

Something shook you violently. You groaned. "Five more minutes..." You were about to doze off again, but then you felt something groping your breasts. You shot up and covering your chest, looked at your attacker. Akashi had a smirk on his face and his hands were positioned to attack again. "Seijuro-kun! No!" You dove under the covers and he got on top of the covers and just layed there. "You're crushing me! I'm going to die!" You exclaimed. He may have been short, but he was built and kind of heavy.

"Okay, but you have to get ready now." He said as he got off of you.

Sitting up and looking around, you saw that his room was neat and orderly, not to mention plain. Your gaze landed on him and the rest of the sleepiness was shocked out of you. "Why aren't you wearing any clothes!?" You shrieked and covered your eyes in haste.

"What are you talking about?" He asks rather annoyed. "I have boxers on. That counts as clothing."

"You're practically naked!" You protest, refusing to uncover your eyes.

"If you want to see me naked, you can step into the shower with me. "Akashi teases.

You shake your head, "Never!"

"Your loss." He says and walks away.

When you are sure he is gone, you uncover your eyes and get a good look at his room. He had a desk for doing homework, his bed had red, silk sheets, and a few books on his desk, but that was it. You checked his closet, which was huge. "Only his school uniforms, suits, and a few casual clothes. His basketball clothes must be in his bag." You step back into Akashi's room an close his closet.

"What were you doing in there?" You are startled by Akashi's voice and turn to see him standing there looking at you with only a towel around his waist. You could see all of his abs glistening with the water from the shower. He notices what you're looking at and smirks, "Like what you see?"

"As if!" You huff and turn away, blushing.

"Hit the shower." He says as he hands you a towel. I'll have someone bring you some clothes. Now get out before I really get naked."

You rush out of the room with one speed. You see a maid and you stop her, "Um, excuse me. Do you know where the bathroom is?"

She points to a room, but doesn't say anything. Weird. You go to the room and the bathroom was beautiful. The floor tiles were a pure pearl white. The shower curtain was a deep red. The tiles on the walls were the same red as the shower curtain. The counter for the sink was red, but the sink itself was white and the faucet was a beautiful silver. Next to  the sink was a red face towel hanging. Upon closer inspection, you noticed that the face towel had the letters "S" and "A" on it in white. You stepped into the shower, which was white and turned the water on.

"I brought you some clothes." You heard Akashi's voice.

"Ah. Thank you. You can just leave them there."

"You wouldn't let me dress you?" He laughs.


"Okay. Okay." He says and you hear the door close.

"What are people going to think if we are both late to school and show up in the same car?" You ask Akashi worriedly as you are in his car with one of his servants driving on the way to school.

He smirks, "They'll think we did what I wanted to do."

You playfully punch his arm. "Quit playing."

He wraps his hands around you waist and he pulls you closer to him. "They'll think, 'hey, look at that, even though he was late to school, he still managed to pick up that gorgeous girl. What a swell guy. Hey, that girl could be a model. She's so beautiful. I wish she was my girlfriend.'"

You couldn't help buy giggle at his silliness. "That's enough Seijuro-kun. I get it. Thank you." You kiss him softly.

When the driver stops at the school, Akashi's gentle expression disappears and is replaced with his usual one.

"C'mon. Let's go." He tells you as he steps out of the car.

His change in mood shocks you and you find yourself frozen. "Get out." He says and he grabs your arm and pulls you out of the car. Surprised by this use of force, you cry out. Akashi closes the door behind you and starts walking to the front door of the school as the driver drove away. His change is frightening. you think to yourself as you follow him, What's wrong with you Seijuro-kun?

Taming the Beast (Seijuro Akashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now