Morning text❤

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Hello everyone!

Complete the goals fast! Posting it on high demand! And i am impressed that many chapters have more than 95 votes and some have already crossed 100. So complete the goals fast!

Lets start

It is sunday morning.

One boy is sleeping on bed. He started saying that I will find you. Suddenly another boy entered and saw him saying something continuously. When boy heard what he is saying at that time he face palmed himself and said what will happen in future!

Boy went near sleeping boy (A/N sleeping boy😂😂)

Boy shakes him and tell

Boy: she is here!! (He shouts and sleeping boy wakes up with jerk)

Boy starts laughing at him

Boy2(sleeping boy): wth dada! I thought that she is here!

(Boy was abhi and boy2 was sid)

Abhi: ohk and now stand up as you are getting late for airport (said while controlling his laugh)

Sid: ok ok now get lost! (Sid said while throwing pillow at abhi)

Abhi ran away from his room before pillow hits him

Sid took his phone and texted her girl on insta from fake id

Sid: Good Morning, cutie pie💖💖

(Now you all know that the girl is avu only so no formalities ok as i cant do it anymore🤷‍♀️)

Sid immediately received message from his cutie pie

Avi: Good Morning, Mr. Nigam 😄😄

Sid: What are you doing?

Avi: I just did my morning chores! Now go and get fresh sidoo!

Sid: Hayee, sidoo! This sounds so good from your mouth! (He texted and dramatically placed his hand on his heart)

Avi giggled while reading his text

Avi: you have not even heard my voice so how can you say this?!🤨

Sid: Your soul is beautiful so your voice will be like melody only na!

Avi: stop flirting in morning and get ready as you have a flight!

Sid: I know and will text you after getting fresh, cutie pie! 😘😘

Avi: Fine, bye🥰🥰

Sid: bye😊

With this sid got up and did his morning chores while thinking about his cutie pie!

After getting ready sid again texyed avi

Sid: Hey, beautiful!

Avi didnt replied

Sid: will talk when i will be in flight!

Avi still didnt reply

Sid put his phone in pocket and went down stairs for dinner.

Vibha aunty saw him

Vibha: Good Morning dreamboy! Now sit and have breakfast quickly!

Sid: yes mom

Sid sat on table and started having his breakfast

Sid (while having a bite from paratha): where is dada and di?

Vibha: They both have went for shoot and eat fast as we have to go for airport!

Sid nodded and had his breakfast quickly.

Vibha and sid left for airport.

Sid opened his insta and saw that avi has texted him

Avi: ok we will and sorry for not replying as i was busy!

Sid: no problem!

Avi replied him this time quickly

Avi: so right now in flight, right?!

Sid: yeah! And plz tell me your name na beautiful!

Avi: Why you want to know, sidoo!

Sid: you know the reason very well, ok!

Avi: ok, I know and i will think that i should tell or not and right now bye!

With this avi went offline

Sid read the message and got happy!

Sid: Mom, she said that she will think of telling me her name! (Sid said while getting happy like a kid)

Vibha chuckled seeing his level of happiness

Words count:- 623

That's it for today!

How was the chapter?

I know boring but cant help!

Chapters of this book will not be as big as MAFIA'S EYES ON ME

We will meet soon, bye!

Fallen In Love By Conversation [Completed✔]Where stories live. Discover now