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Hello everyone!

I know that you all have not completed goals but cant control myself to publish this chapter and ya mark my words that after this no chapters till goals are not completed and i am sure you all will complete goals after reading this chapter!😈

Lets start!

After two hours sid landed in goa for his shoot! Sid and vibha aunty went in their hotel rooms which were already booked for them! After getting fresh they left for shoot location!

Sid is right now in his vanity, getting ready! When he got a text from his cutie pie!

Avi: Heyoo!!

Sid: Hey, what happened?

Avi: nothing, i was getting bored so thought to message you!

Sid: ohh! So tell me your name, if you wish cutie pie!

Avi: Sid, can i ask you one thing? If you dont mind!

Sid: yeah sure!

Avi: Do you love someone?

(Sid in mind:- she also loves me but she dont want to tell me because i am a famous actor and she will think that i will not love her as i have not saw her! But i love her only! Let me see that how will see react!)

Sid: yes cutie pie, i love one girl in my life!

Avi: ohh!

Sid: But why you asked this, anything happened?!

Avi: No no, i asked as usual!

Sid: ok

(Sid in mind: why she is behaving weird)

Avi: can i ask you one more thing?

Sid: sure, cutie pie!

Avi: If you ever got to know that the person who is close to your heart is in trouble than what you will do!

Sid: I will save that person by hook or crook!

(Sid in mind: Is she in trouble?! Then i will not leave the person who tried to trouble her!)

Sid: But why are you asking me this, suddenly?!

Avi started typing but suddenly went offline!

Sid got shock as this was the first time she went offline while typing!

Sid: hey where are you? Are you ok? Anything happened to you? Is someone troubling you? Are you ill? Are you ok?

Avi didnt came online

Sid: I am getting tensed, plz reply na!

Avi didnt came online

Sid: Plz atleast say that you are ok!

Avi didnt came online this time too!

Sid's heart is beating fast and an different feeling is coming in his body like something bad is going to happen!

Sid kept his phone aside and lied on the bed

Sid: I think her battery will be dead! Nothing much! I am overthinking! She will be fine! But why the hell this feeling is not going still!

He started doing meditation for avoiding this feelings but it didnt work! He again lied on the bed! And slept thinking about this!

(A/N:- this is me, i also get this type of feelings and i cant focus on anything but i started doing meditation and it helps me sometimes but sometimes it cant help me)

Words count: 596

Goals for next chapter: 100+ votes on all chapters of my first book that is MAFIA'S EYES ON ME!

That's it for today!

How was the chapter?

So i have changed something and that is ki I will write sidneet's insta chats in bold and Italic words so you all can understand!

And answer my one question!

Question: what you all have observed till now in this book like something different?

And why avi went offline?

Why sid is having different feelings?

Why avi asked him that questions?

We will meet soon, bye!

Fallen In Love By Conversation [Completed✔]Where stories live. Discover now