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Hello everyone!!

I was going to write spam this one too but after seeing Mafia's eyes on me spam i didnt dare to type it!

You all are mad!

Zyada bakwaas nahi

Lets start

Next day!

Jiya woke up at 6:30 and got ready in 15 minutes!

She went in avi's room to wake her up!

After 5 minutes of try avi woke up

Jiya: Finally! So now go and take bath till then i will pack out breakfast!

Avi: For what? (Sge asked in her half sleep)

Jiya smacked her forehead and said

Jiya: Avi baby, did you remembered bakery shop and our job?

As soon as avi heard this her eyes were wide open

Avi: OMG!! Di be quick!

She said this and ran towards her bathroom!

Jiya: This girl! (She said this and laughed a little at her)

Jiya went in the kitchen and started preparing their breakfast

Around 7:05 breakfast was ready and she packed it in one lunch box

Avi came from her room with excitement as she is jumping more than walking

Jiya giggled looking at her

Avi came near jiya and said or you can say shouted

Avi: Diiiii!!! Lets goooooo!!

She said this and ran towards the main gate of the house

Jiya laughed at her and took the bag in which all the necessary things are their for both and went behind her after locking the house

Their outfits

Avi's outfit

Jiya's outfit

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Jiya's outfit

They both went in rickshaw

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They both went in rickshaw

While going towards the shop avi messaged sid

Avi: siddooo, today is first day so right now di and  going towards the shop! Will message you while having breakfast! Byeeee! Love you so muchhh!😘❤

They both reach just in 8 minutes

They saw that bakery is open means Garima ji is already in the shop!

They both went inside after paying the driver

They saw Garima talking with sm1 on phone

They both wait for some minutes as Garima is talking on phone

After 2 minutes garima end the call

She came near Jiya and avi with a huge smile

Garima: Girls we got one huge order today!!

She said while getting happy!

Avi: wohooooo! Congratulations to us!!

She said while hugging Garima in excitement

Garima hugged her back

Jiya: Congratulations mam!

Garima: Same to you girl!

Jiya: so what is the order?

Garima: We have to deliever 200 cupcakes, 5 types of pastries each of 20 pieces and 2 large size birthday cakes! They are sending pic of birthday cakes so we have to make it like that!

Jiya: So much big! And when we have to deliever it?

Garima: By 5 in the evening as their party is going to start around 6:15 in the evening!

Avi: ohk! So ladies lets start our work!

Garima: yes so avi will make cupcakes and jiya will make pastries and i will make two birthday cakes!!

Jiya/Avi: ok!!

Garima: let me show you both everything!

They both nodded and went with her!

With sid

He woke up around 8: 45 in morning

He first opened his insta and saw that avi has messaged him

Sid read the message and smiled

Sid: Love you too! And rock your first day babygirl!😘😘❤❤

He send this message to her and went in bathroom for doing his morning chores!

After getting ready he went downstairs grabbing his phone with him

Sid: mommm! (He shouted while coming downstairs)

Vibha: I am here! (She shouted back from the hall)

Sid saw her and went towards her

Sid went and sat beside her

Sid: Mom she has went for her job! Today is her first day and she is so much excited!

He said while getting happy in her happiness

Vibha: That is awesome!

Sid: I have got one awesome idea!

He said while getting excited

Abhi: and what is that?

Sid: Lets ask mom's friend about avi and if she is the same Garima Aunty then we will directly surprise avi and her di!! So how is the idea??

He asked to abhinavi and vibha

Vibha: Not bad!

She said while getting impressed of her own son!

Abhi: Awesome!

He said while getting excited with sid

Vaishu: It is mind blowing!

She said while getting happy with sidshek!

Words count:- 775

That's it for today!

How was the chapter?

Both Garima are same or not?

Will Jiya and avneet be successful in completing the order before 5?

Not gonna write that do you want update of this or that! As i am not gonna update any of the book of mine!😪😪

We will meet soon, bye!!

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