First Hug

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Hello everyone!

Before reading this one just go and read previous two chapters which i have updated today only

Lets start

Sid: Aviiii!!

He shouted and hugged her tightly

Sid(while hugging her): Finally i found you! Yaayyyy

(A/N:- First hug!!)

Jiya and garima came out from the kitchen listening sid's voice

Whereas Avi is still shock as this is like a dream for her

Sid broke the hug and kissed her forehead and said

Sid: You are sooooooooo cute my cutie pie!! (He chuckled making everyone chuckle with him)

He said this and pulled her both the cheeks and kissed them one by one

Sid: i did it!

(A/N:- Sid said in the chat that he wants to pull her cheeks and kiss them! Remembered or not?)

He said this and hugged her once again

Sid broke the hug and cupped avi's face

Sid: I love you!

He said with teary eyes and joined their foreheads while closing his eyes

Sid opened his eyes and looked at her

Sid: Say something!

He told her but avi is just thinking that this is a dream

Sid shaked her

Sid: aviiiii (he shouted a bit while shaking her by her shoulders)

Avi came back in her senses

Avi: ye..sss

She said while blinking her eyes

Sid: what yes? I am here! Your siddooo is standing in front of you and you were lost in your thoughts!!

He said while looking in his cutie pie's chocolate brown eyes

Avi is already lost in hazel brown eyes of her siddoo

When they heard some fake coughs due to which their eye lock broke

Vibha: now let me also meet my second daughter- in- law!

She said this and went near avi

Avi blushed listening second daughter- in- law

Vibha went near her and hugged her

Avi hugged her back

Vibha: You are sooooooo pretty my child!

She said this and broke the hug and kissed her forehead

Abhi: Mom let me meet her too!

Vaishu: no first me!

Vibha chuckled with teary eyes and said

Vibha: they are like this only!

She said this to avi

Abhi and vaishu came near her and directly hugged her tightly

Abhinavi: You are soooooo cute yaar!!

They both said together and everyone chuckled

They broke the hug and said

Abhinavi: Now come with us only!!

Sid: yes plz!

Vibha: yes and i will take her with me only!

Now jiya came in front

Jiya: Hello! I am avi's di!

Nigams: hello!

Sid: avi say something na!!

Vibha: yes baby say something!

Abhi: you didn't like this?

He asked her with sad face

Vaishu: plz say na baby sis

She said with teary eyes

Jiya looked at avi and automatically read her mind

Jiya sighed and said

Jiya: I would like to share something with you all!

She said this while looking down

Avi understood what jiya meant so she held her arm and nodded her head in no while tears flowing down her cheeks

All saw this and got worried

Sid: Jiya di , you tell me dont listem to her!

Sid told to jiya

Abhinavi: yes you tell us plz

Vibha: yes tell us and i will solve your problem baby

She said last line to avi

Avi looked at her while crying

Vibha hugged her and rubbed her back to console her

Avi hugged vibha tightly and cried her heart out

Sid went near them and started caressing avi's hairs

Sid: dont worry babygirl! I will not leave you!

Sid said this with teary eyes

When jiya heard sid's words she saw the true love in his eyes

Jiya who is also crying silently just wiped her tears and said

Jiya: Avi baby, I will tell them!

She said to avi

Avi didnt said anything in reply but cried more

Abhi: plz tell fast

Vaishu: yes plz

Jiya: ok

Garima: Sorry to interfere but first of all you all sit here and calm avi

Jiya: yes

Words count:- 732

That's it for today!

How was the chapter?

Now the actual past will come out in next chapter!

Will nigams accept avi after knowing the past!

Triple update! Happy or not?
I might give one more but now it depends on the response on all the three chapters

Shower your love now as this book is ending by this weekend!

We will meet soon, bye!

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