Cutie pie😭

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Hello everyone!

You all have time to complete the goals of 100 votes till 25th feb!

Lets start!

Next day, sid woke up by 7 in morning and first thing he did was texting his cutie pie.

Sid: Good Morning, cutie pie!😘

But she didnt replied

Sid: I guess she is sleeping till now!

Sid did his morning chores but still avi didnt texted him!

Sid and vibha went for having breakfast!

They had their breakfast and left for shoot location!

Sid is right now in his vanity, getting ready for the shoot!

Sid in mind: She has not replied me till now! It is 11 in morning and she never sleeps this much late! And this feelings are also not going away! This is scaring me more for her!

Like this whole day went but avi didnt came online! This was the first time that avi didnt replied him!

Sid went in vibha's room and told her everything and now she is also worried for her!

Sid is right now roaming in the room while seeing the phone screen waiting for reply!

Sid: Mom, she will be fine na?! (Asked vibha in almost crying tone)

Vibha: Yeah, she will be! (She replied but she is also worried)

Like this almost two months passed!

In Nigam house, right now all are sitting on dinning table for dinner.

In this two months lot of things changed!

Sid is always lost in his thoughts! He never talk with anyone without work! He has not even worked in any tv show or movie! He got so many movie chances but he rejected all! He shooted three mvs as vibha forced him to do so that he can divert his mind and all are going to release in this month! He has shooted all three mvs in just 10 days!

His fans are excited for his three mvs! He didnt came live on insta in this two months! He is daily active on his fake account waiting for her reply!

He never attended any events! He use to be less active on his real account! His fans are trying to find out that what had happen to him! Media is curious to see The Siddharth Nigam in events! Media try to find him in events but he never came! He got so many interviews requests from different medias but he never gave! Abhinavi always avoided questions which were asked them related to sid!

Right now he is lying on his bed reading his old chats with his cutie pie!

When he read all chats he typed

Sid: Hey Cutie pie! I read all our previous chats today also! Cutie pie, plz talk with me na! If, i have done something wrong than i am saying a big sorry to you! If you are in any trouble then just send me your location and i will be their very next moment! I love you so much cutie pie! That day also When you asked me that i love someone then i have said yes and that girl was you only! I love you so much plz talk with me! Paka promise i will not ask you to tell me your name or show your face! Plz reply me na! Plzz!😭😭😭😭😭

He send his message but as usual she didnt replied

He was crying while typing all this and slept after taking sleeping pills!

Words count: 624

That's it for today!

How was the chapter?

Why avi is not replying to sid!

Will ever avi reply him?

Is this an end of their love story which has not started yet?!

Goals for next chapter:- 70+ votes on this chapter!

We will meet soon, bye!

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