Perfect Family🥺

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Hello everyone!

Last chapter of this book so last hello too!🤧

Lets start

Sid went near avi and back hugged her

Sid: Are you ready baby girl?

Sid asked her and avi blushed hard core

Sid chuckled at her reaction and asked

Sid: so can i take it as a yes?

And now avi is full red and shyly nodded her head in yes

Sid kissed her earlobe at which avi's breathe hitched

Sid gave her pepper kisses at her back of neck and this send shivers down of avi's spine

Sid rested his chin on her shoulder and said

Sid: Baby girl?

Avi opened her eyes

Avi: hmm?

Sid: Go and change first!

Avi nodded her head and went towards bathroom

She got fresh and came out in her nighty

Sid looked at her and smirked

Sid: Baby girl you are looking damn hot in this!

And this was enough for avi to turn red

Sid who is in his boxers went near her

Avi stepped back as sid is coming towards her and then she got trap between closet's door and her Hot husband

Sid bend little and kissed her forehead then her eyes, nose, cheeks, chin and then back off

This annoyed avi so she pulled him in a long kiss which showed hunger and need of him to her

Sid smiled while kissing her back

They literally smooched each other lips for almost 5 minutes

Sid broke the kiss due to lack of oxygen

They both breathed heavily. Sid attacked on her neck giving her wet kisses which made avi hard to control her moans

Sid gave her wet kisses till her cleavage and then gave one slap on avi's butt cheeks; due to this contact avi moaned which turned on sid

Sid again went up and pulled avi in another kiss

They both kissed each other for another 3 minutes

Sid break the kiss and placed wet kisses from her shoulder to her jaw

Sid's hands are roaming at avi's back and avi's hand are around his neck

Sid placed his hand under her butt and avi quickly wrapped her legs around sid's torso

Sid carried her towards the bed without stopping his kiss torture around her neck and collar bone

Sid placed her on bed and hovered over her with out putting his weight on her

Sid again kissed her on her lips and his hand went at the back near the zip of the dress

He broke the kiss and looked in her eyes. Avi nodded her head in yes and gave a peck on his lips

Sid opened her nighty and saw her only in her panties

Sid looked at her breast and said

Sid: Babygirl, you are so beautiful!

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