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Hello everyone!

Before starting tell me that do you love this story?

Should i continue writing it?

And also do you all want an update of "Mafia's eyes on me"?

Lets start

Jiya: sir we are ...... (before she can say further she got unconscious)

Old man got shock

Old man (shouting): doctor, doctor

Listening him one doctor came

Old man: dr, check her! While talking with me she suddenly got unconscious!

Dr: ok

Doctor checked her

Dr: due to less eating she loss her conciousness!

Old man got shock

Dr: i have gave her injection so after a while she will get her conciousness! Then give her juice which i send here!

Old man nodded

Dr went and after some times one nurse came with one glass of juice

She kept it on table

After some times jiya gain her conciousness

Old man: first have this juice so you will feel better

He said while passing the glass of juice

Jiya took it and drank whole glass in some minutes

Old man: what you want to eat?

Jiya: thank you but I am not hungry!

Old man: Dr told me that due to less eating you went unconscious so i think you are hungry!

Jiya: no, i am not and thank you so much for today!

Old man: no need of thank you and just tell me what you want to eat!

Jiya: I dont want anything!

Before they both can argue further

Avi(still unconscious): d..iiiiii..

Jiya snapped her head towards avi

She ran towards her and sat on the stool near her bed

Jiya hold her hands

Jiya: avi baby, i am here only! Look (she said while crying)

Avi slowly opened her eyes

Jiya: baby, are you ok, now?? (She asked while wiping her tears)

Avi nodded in yes

Old man: Are you feeling better, now?

Avi: ye..ss

Old man smiled

Doctor came and checked avi and told that now you can have discharge

Dr went after checking her

Jiya told avi that old man donated his blood for her and avi told him thank you

Right now they all are standing near old man's car

Jiya: thank you so much sir for today!

Avi: yes thank you sir

Old man: not needed and now tell me about yourselves

Avi and jiya looked at each other

Old man saw this and said

Old man: its ok if you both dont want to share! (He said with a genuine smile on his face)

Avi and jiya smiled

Jiya: thank you

Old man: so now where you both will go?

Jiya and avi lowered their heads hearing his question

Jiya: we will go at our house by ourself so you can live for your place! (She said with a smile)

Old man: no, i will drop you both!

Avi: thank you but we will go in cab!

Old man: but..

Avi: no buts and ifs, i said na that we will manage means we will mange!

Old man: ok but i will make you both sit in a cab!

Avi and jiya looked at each other

Jiya: ok!

Old man stop one cab and they both sat in the cab bidding bye to oldman and saying thank you for last time!

Old man went at his home in his car!

When he went jiya told driver to stop the cab and they both came out of it and said sorry to driver!

Driver went from their and right now both the girls are standing on road!

Jiya: now where we will go??

Avi: yess, where?

Jiya: we will not go at that bastard's place!!!

Avi nodded her head in agreement

(A/N:- I have posted one announcement so plz check it and it is about new idea of book! Plz dont ignore and tell me that i should write that book or not?)

Goals for next chapter:- 80+ votes on this chapter!

Words count:- 706

That's it for today

How was the chapter?

What you all thought that suspense will be revealed this soon😏😏!

I know it is boring but further chapters will be interesting!

So now where will jiya and avi go??

Will sidneet meet?

We will meet soon, bye!

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