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Hello everyone!

Go and read previous one as i updated it today only!

New book is coming with character sketch and outline on 28th march but chapters after 300 followers!

Today i went for shopping with mom and i was driving activa with mom on back! I was driving it on 40 or you can say below 40 but it was too much for mommy! She just shouted on me for almost half hour as one car was coming towards us blindly and at that time my speed was below 20 but for mom it was all way my fault! Like how! Just tell me what is my fault??

This spoiled my whole mood for shopping! But still did it😜

If you read the above paras then i love you and not then i dont lol just joking😂

Lets start

After 5 months

In this 5 months sidneet came more close to each other.

Avi and Jiya are already living with nigams and gave that house back to their respective owners

It is evening time

Abhinavi have came back from their shoot but sid didn't

Avi is sitting on couch and watching tv. Jiya is making some special desert for all in kitchen! Vibha is cooking and abhinavi are in hall scrolling down their phone

When suddenly door bell rang and abhi went to open it

It was sid standing with bandage around his hand and wrist

Abhi saw it and got worried

Before abhi can ask anything sid said

Sid: relax! Let me come in and i will explain

Abhi: ok

They went inside

Avi saw sid and shouted

Avi: omgg siddooo!

She said this and ran towards him

Listening her shout vibha and jiya came out from the kitchen and vaishu saw towards sid

Before sid can say, avi started

Avi: How? When and where? (She asked him getting worried) Is it hurting? (Caressing his hand gently above his bandage)

Sid: nope! Just relax

And now vaishu started

Vaishu: Baby bro are you ok? And how this took place and is it hurting a lot?

She asked him while getting worried as blood stain is visible over the white bandage

Sid: No di and...

And now comes one and only Hottie's mom

Vibha: Sid! What is this? Cant you take care of yourself idiot?!

And now sid shouted

Sid: Just shut up and let me speak!

Girls (shouting): Dont Shout!!!

Sid gulped down his saliva in fear as three are giving her death glares

And now comes most sensible and calm girl

Jiya: Sid first sit and have this water

She said to him while giving him a glass of water

Sid smiled at her and said

Sid: The only girl in our house who is sensible and calm!

And now you all can imagine what will happen with sid

Vibha (greeting her teeth): What did you said?

Avi (giving death glares to sid): Only girl?

Vaishu (with angry look): are we not sensible?

Abhi is just standing and trying not to laugh on sid's situation

Jiya is also trying to not laugh

Abhi who is standing beside jiya whispered

Abhi(whispered to jiya): he will be dead today!!

Jiya (whispers): yes!

They both didnt look at eachother as they know that if they had an eye contact then they will burst out laughing

Sid: calm down beautiful ladies! You all are so much cute! I just love you three!

He tried to butter them

Avi: This buttering will not work today!

Vibha/vaishu: yes!

Three of them gave him death glares and went back to their respective work

Sid looked at abhi for saving him but Abhi nodded his head in no with teasing look which annoyed sid so sid looked at jiya with puppy face

Abhi (whispered to jiya): no jiya dont melt!!

Jiya (whispered back): he is so cute

Abhi smacked his forehead

Jiya nodded her head in yes and sid stick his tongue out at abhi

Jiya went near sid and said

Jiya: you just sit

Sid smiled at her

Jiya went in kitchen where vibha was

She went and told her that he is injured so forgive him and vibha agreed

She did same with vaishu and avi; and they both also agreed

After this they took care of sid and had their dinner

Words count:- 770

That's it for today!

How was the chapter?

Two more chapters and then you have to say final bye to this book!

Are you gonna miss this book or not as i will miss writing this one?🥺

We will meet soon, bye!🤧

Fallen In Love By Conversation [Completed✔]Where stories live. Discover now