At 6

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Hello everyone

Ask anything here in line.........

Lets start

Garima: I have a bakery shop

Listening this sid was beyond happy!

Sid was about to shout mom but vibha kept one hand on his mouth and nodded her head in no

Vibha: That's great! And where is your shop as i would love to visit it with my two sons!

Garima: wait a minute! Two sons?

Garima asked surprisingly

Vibha: yes

Garima: wow! Just come to visit after 6 in evening today as i will be free by 6!

Vibha: Great!

Garima: I will message you address

Vibha: ok

Garima: alright so lets meet in evening. Bye

Vibha: yes and bye

With this vibha end the call and removed her hand from sid's mouth

As soon as vibha take her hand

Sid: wohooooooo!! Mom finallyyyyyyy

He shouted this and hug vibha

Vibha: yes finally You will meet your love of life and i will meet my second daughter- in- law!

After hearing second daughter- in- law sid blushed

Sid: mom!

Vibha: ok ok so now go and tell your dada about this and i will tell to your di

Sid: no! You tell to dada and i will tell to di!

He said this and someone pulled his ears

Sid winced in pain

Sid: wth!!

He turned around and saw abhinavi standing behind him

Abhi: no! You tell to dada and i will tell to di! (He mimicked sid) acha beta!

Abhi raised his eyebrows

Sid: dada leave na!

He said while holding abhi's hand

Vaishu came towards them and freed sid

Vaishu: Just shut up abhi! And dont dare to do this again!

She glared at abhi at the end

Abhi: ok

And our sid is showing his tongue to abhi as vaishu scolded him

(A/N:- after writing this i remembered that video of sid and abhinavi!🤧😂)

Vaishu: better

Abhi rolled his eyes and vaishu saw this

Vaishu: i will take those eyes out!! (Giving death glares to abhi)

Abhi: no no no no! Vaishu no need na! I am sorry baby!

He said this with a sweet smile and side hugging her

Vibha and sid laughed out loud on abhi's situation

Sid: dada you are scared of di!

He said between his laughs

Vibha: he should be!!

After hearing vibha, abhi was shock

Vaishu: lol

She laughed at him

Vibha: ok so sid tell them!

Sid: ohh yess! So di and dada we will go for meeting avi in evening! Wohoooo

He said this and hugged vaishu

Vaishu: omg! I am so much excited!

She said this while hugging him

Abhi: me too

Skips to evening 5

With avi

Garima: ok so girls we did it!!

Avi: yes we did it!

Garima: yeah! So lets party my girls!!

Avi: yeah! Wohoooo

Jiya: but mam

Garima: no but just dance

She said this and turn on the music on speaker which is present in bakery shop

Avi started dancing and dragged jiya too

Three ladies are celebrating their success

With sid

Sid: mommm! Be quick na!

He shouted from the hall

Just then vaishu came

Vaishu: Baby bro still one hour is left!

Sid: di we have to reach also!

Vaish chuckled at the impatient sid

Sid: this dada is getting ready like girls!!

He said while getting irritated

Vaishu: exactly! He take more time than me also!

She joined him

Just then vibha came

Vibha: ok so now lets go!

Sid: what lets go! Dada is still getting ready like a heroine

He said with a grumpy face

Just then abhi came

Abhi: Wth! I am ready ok!! And i...

He was going to say further but three of them left the house without listening to him

Abhi saw this and said

Abhi: yaar muh pe bezati!

He said while wiping his fake tears

Vibha (shouted): Abhi we are leaving!

Abhi (shouted back): No wait! I also want to meet her

He said this while running towards the door

Words count:- 699

That's it for today!

How was the chapter?

Vibha's friend, Garima also have bakery shop so both are same or different?

What will happen in next chapter?

We will meet soon, bye!

Fallen In Love By Conversation [Completed✔]Where stories live. Discover now