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Hello everyone!

Before starting i would like to say that one more idea came in my brain while studying bio! Idea is different and unique! I will work on it after getting 300 followers! It is big right! But you all can do it as i can write for you all.

It has scary and crazy stuff in it! All way different!

Ok so now

Lets start

Jiya broke down after completing it

All are shock! Avi is crying non stop hugging sid!

Tears are flowing down from everyone's cheeks

Vibha wiped her tears and

Vibha: You both should have call us when avi talked with sid

Jiya got shock as she didn't expected this

Jiya got silent but tears are still flowing down her cheeks, she looked at vibha and hugged her

Jiya: Thank you so much

Only words which came out of jiya's mouth

Vibha hugged her back and rubbed it for calming her down

Sid who is just looking at the crying face of avi is getting angry on that man

Sid broke the hug and cupped her face and wiped her tears

Sid: You think that i will leave you due to this?

He asked her with teary eyes

Avi nodded her head in yes and tears made their way on her cheeks once again

Sid wiped them and said

Sid: Dont you trust me?

Avi: I trust you

She said while looking in his eyes

Sid: then you should have told me na!!

Avi got quiet and looked down on his chest

Jiya spoke

Jiya: We thought that you will not talk to her after knowing the truth

She said this and looked down

Vibha: just because of that man's deeds sid will not talk to you?

Jiya and avi were on silent mode right now

Abhi: No girl! We will help you to come out of that hell!

Vaishu: yes! We would have save you

Sid: But after coming out of the hell also you both didn't share with us

He said while getting disappointed

Avi finally spoke

Avi: we just want to forget it so!

She said while looking at his chest

Sid sighed and cupped her face making her look at him

Sid: Alright but now you will come with me at my home with your di!

Avi: But now we can live na so no need of coming at your place siddoo

She said in her cute voice which brought one smile on everyone's face

Vibha: Dont you want to marry your love, avi?

She asked her and avi blushed and hugged sid

All laughed at her reaction

Abhi: ok so now tell me the name of that man who did this!

He said this with anger clear in his voice

Sid: yes tell me! I will kill him

Vibha: say

She said to jiya

Jiya: His name is Karan Mehra!

Sid: ok and tell me where is that mansion

Avi: we dont know siddoo as we never came out of that mansion

She said this while looking down

All got shock

Jiya: We didnt knew that we are in mumbai! We just got to know few days ago

She said this and stare at the table

Vibha: no worries my girls! Now you both will explore mumbai with us and have fun

She said while diverting their mind

Avi got excited and said

Avi: wow! Mumbai is so good! We will enjoy and do masti!

All smiled at her excitement level

Jiya: but..

Vaishu: no buts as you are going to come and one more thing you both will stay with us from now onwards

Avi looked at jiya and jiya nodded in yes

Avi hugged sid and said

Avi: now we will talk face to face! Yayyyy

All chuckled

Vibha: yes baby! So now lets go!

Garima: yes and now tell me why you both didn't share this with me also!

She said which made everyone realize that she is also their

Jiya: Dont know

Vibha: Leave that whole matter now!

Garima: ok but now lets have this cupcakes and pastry as this a happy moment!

Vaishu: yes

Sid: and you three also succeeded in that huge order

Avi: yess siddoo! But how you got to know?

Sid: oh shit, i forgot to message siddoo!.

He mimicked her and all laughed

All had some fun while having pastries and cupcakes

Words count:- 756

That's it for today!

How was the chapter?

Now sidneet will live with eachother!

Excited for their marriage?

We will meet soon, bye!!

Fallen In Love By Conversation [Completed✔]Where stories live. Discover now