Goggles x Bobble Hat SOULMATE! AU

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Pairing: Goggles (m) x Bobble Hat (f)

Title: "Love At First Plum"

A/N: It's been probably 8 months since I've last edited this collection so if I'm a little foggy on certain details, my bad. The prompt, "How about a Goggles x Bobble Hat scenario in the soulmate AU, where they face feelings for each other after they made eye contact. They later hooked up and started dating." Is what this oneshot will be based on. Enjoy!

AU description: Everyone is colorblind until the moment they make eye contact with their soulmate, in which then the colors will immediately start pouring into their vision.

Goggles' POV

Today is the day, I can feel it! I'm gonna make the best team in the world! We'll eat all the pickled plums and make all the friends! Wait. How am I gonna do that...?

Oh yeah! Turf wars! I'll just scope out the mega raw talent and see who's worthy of my dearest pickled plums. Walking to the spectator area of the current turf war maps, I squeezed myself to the front of the area so I could get the best view. Unfortunately, the current match only had about a minute left. A girl in a cute bobble hat caught my attention. Look at those slosher maneuvers! I gotta have her!

The match ended with a win on cute bobble hat girl's side, and I immediately ran down to recruit her.

"Hey! Bobble hat lady! Join my team, we have pickled plums and we're super awesome!" That seemed to get her attention. She opened her previously closed-smile eyes and made eye contact with me. All of a sudden, colors started jumping into my peripheral. Wow, these colors are amazing!

"Why does everything look different?" The girl asked me.

"Uh, I don't know. It happened as soon as we met! Maybe it's fate!" I exclaimed. This world sure is weird. Who knew yellow was such an ugly color. Blech!

"I'm Bobble Hat! It's nice to meet you, and yes I'll join your team; why not?"

"Goggles! Let's go find other members!" As I reached to hold her hand, I felt my face getting warm for some reason. How odd. We managed to find two more solid players, and all decided to go to Crusty Sean's truck for some grub.

As the day went on, I noticed she never opened her eyes despite seeing all the colors. Weird.

"Hey Bobbles, are you my soulmate or was there a ghost behind you?" Yes, definitely the best avenue to go about this predicament. What do all of these words even mean, anyway?

Meanwhile, Bobble-Hat stopped everything, including her breathing. Did I turn her into a statue??

Finally, she spoke up.

"Wait, I thought I was the one that met a ghost! Sounds like I met my bestie AND my soulmate all at one glance!"

Oh. My. God.

"Care for a pickled plum, Goggles?" A true angel.

"I love you Bobbles.

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