Pearl x Reader: Is For Me?!

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Pairing: Pearl (f) x Reader (n/a)

Title: "Is For Me?!"

A/N: This was requested a very long time ago. I'm not a consistent writer. Womp womp. (Am actually sorry)

(Y/N): Your Name (duh)

(Y/N)'s POV

As my lids open slowly, I rub them to get the crusties out from my prolonged sleep. I turn to face the alarm clock sitting on my nightstand, only for it to read 1:38 pm. Wow, that's uh... why did I sleep so late? At least it's Sunday. I guess I should get up and try to salvage whatever productivity the rest of the day has for me.

Still in last night's clothes, I leave my bedroom to see my roommate getting increasingly frustrated with whatever she's working on.

"About time you got up. I was starting to think you fell into an actual coma," my shortstack queen of a roommate huffed out. "I'd say I got out an entire song within the time you've been unconscious, but I'd be lying. Not enough words are able to flow into triple quarter notes, UGH!"

I sigh sympathetically and shuffle over, looking over Pearl's shoulder to see what she was working on. However, she didn't respond in the typical eager manner, instead of practically showing the score to my face choosing to throw her entire weight onto the desk. I could hear the paper crinkle and start to rip, grimacing. "Woah woah woah, don't rip your work! If you don't want me to see just say it," I say it quickly and calmly.

Pearl just looked at me from her weirdly hunched stance over the desk, seeming as though I could never be trusted.

"Whatever. It's not worth being produced anyway. It's just not right," Pearl grumbled.

"I promise not to judge if you let me take a look. Maybe I see the words you're missing!"

Begrudgingly pearl unfolded the papers and tried to straighten them out the best she could, being way too meticulous for someone who just wanted to throw it all away. I gently take the score out of her hands, glossing over each stanza.

"While it is your flow, you're not letting the song have feelings. You're shutting it out. Like, it's obvious you want to go into more depth but you just don't. Not typical of your music at all, Pearl. Can you tell me what inspired you to try and write this?"

Pearl faced away from me, body language showing she's not particularly comfortable with the current situation.

"Maybe because it's wrong?! The song isn't supposed to be, just like what it's about. I'm just gonna scrap it."

"Wait! Cmon, there's more you're not telling me. That's why I agreed to live with you; I'm willing to hear anything and try to help you the best I can. Because, yknow, why be strangers when you could be besties?"

"Because I need more. Okay?!"

"Yeah I know you need more, but I can't help you with your song if you won't tell me what you need more of!" I get frustrated with her, not understanding why she's being so hostile and vague. Pearl's always a little sassy, but this? This isn't her.

"I need more you, (Y/N). I don't need anyone but you right now. Now and forever. I can't keep living with you, feeling like we're married and not be able to show much being with you means to me!"

My eyes soften, as do my burning emotions. Logic starts to seep back in, like a nice cool lake coming out of low tide.

For being so angry, she looks so vulnerable and open. More than I've ever seen in the four years of knowing Pearl. Poor thing has been harboring feelings for her roommate because of how potentially sour our friendship could go.

"Pearl, I'm so proud of you for admitting this to me. I'm glad you're able to trust me enough to confess something, even if it's not in the way you would've wanted. I admire that in you, but more importantly, I think it's past time we start going out together. I'm tired of feeling like you're out of my league because of your musical fame."

She let out a huge sigh of relief and tackled me onto the ground with a breathtaking hug. I quickly wrap my arms around her, feeling the best warmth I had no idea I was missing so much.

"I can't believe you'd write a whole song about me. Pearl, you're so sweet. I'd do anything to keep you in my arms like this, so no matter how it goes, I think you should try to finish it. Maybe you have what you're missing now, after all."

"I definitely do. Thank you (Y/N). I'm so glad you feel the same towards me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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