Rider X Octoling! Fem! Reader

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Pairing: Rider (m) x Reader (f)

Title: b o b a

A/N: Brooooo I haven't read the Splatoon comics in 5 ever... Let's hope I still have my magic touch <:* oh yeah and this was requested by a fellow French PinkieWoomy I love them!! I've been reading their stuff to help retain my knowledge in the French language and also get their culture fandom-wise, as I am raised in America. LOVE YA GIRLIE!!!
(Y/N): Your Name (duh)
(H/G): Head Gear
(S/G): Shirt Gear
(F/G): Feet Gear (hehe f e e t)
(C/D): Café Drink

Your designated teammates are gonna be:

- Germ: A rather odd octoling; picture stoner but octoling and twice as stupid. He plays with a Bloblobber, but let's be honest he barely passed into the Octarian Army. Has an Afro, and whatever gear you'd like to match up with him :D
- Kyle: Very direct octoling; Kyle has the fohawk haircut and doesn't mess around! He uses a Kensa Charger and wears fake contacts.
- Bunny: A rather cheerful cinnamon roll, Bunny is the more passive type and plays with a tri-slosher. She's super easygoing and innocent, and wears her hair in a bun. She's b a b e y ok?!
Ok now to the story!!!

~In the Lobby~
(Y/N)'s POV

As my team and I walked into the lobby, we received some rather cold glares. We were all intimidated. Except for Kyle, of course. He barked all sorts of threats to those he caught staring... Which was literally everyone as the rest of us three cowered a less noticeable corner. Germ found a shwaffle on the ground and ate it, making us even more disgusting than the others already saw us as.

"GERM SPIT THAT OUT RIGHT NOW PLEASE!" Kyle screamed while karate chopping Germ's neck. Germ, on the other hand, is an expert with keeping it in because of his past experiences with Kyle trying to take the food out.

With a mouth full of week old shrimp taco, Germ asks with a concerning amount of politeness, "Want some? I can baby bird it if you want!"

As this is all going on, Bunny is walking up to all the inklings and telling them how pretty they are, and how she wished she looked like them. I notice her about to approach a darker inkling with yellow-green hair and an extremely intimidating glare, so I rush up to try and apologize for bothering him. You never know what an inkling could do! I hate to say it, but as much as I love everyone here, none of them loves u s. We're just outcasts, and lucky team Hachi managed to be validated.

"Hi sir, your eyes are very piercing. Why are you so angry? Is there some childhood trauma you're going through? Perhaps your mental health isn't in a safe space right now. My name's Bunny, nice to meet you mister!" I was too late. She already opened her mouth. As I watched his eyes comically go from a slight pupil to ghost white, I instinctively put my hand on his shoulder.

"Sir I'm so sorry for her bothering you we just don't really get to interact with others much and we're all weird I'm so sorry we'll leave the lobby if you want but we just wanted to play one round I swear none of us mean har-"

"Cool it. I'm fine. I was just shocked that your friend has a big mouth." After gesturing her with a glance, Bunny simply beamed the sweetest little smile and had the most relaxing aura. "Plus, I shouldn't have looked so mean. I just couldn't help but want to kill all the inklings giving you guys dirty looks. I mean you don't deserve it. Well, the others too. Uh, you know what I mean." A slight limey blush dusted his face. He was... rather cute? Maybe I'm reading too far into it, but I think that was a flirting gesture?

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