Rider X Shy! Reader

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Pairing: Rider (m) x Shy! Reader (n/a)

Title: Supply and Demand

A/N: OH B O Y I sure have been getting a lot of rider x reader's and like I love it I really do, but I'm thinking... What if... I had a vintage x reader... Jk... Unless...??? SO I'm trying to obtain a goofy lil meme but the owner hasn't responded on whether or not I can use it so uh if you read this before it's here, it's just a 'all women are queens' quote from rider. Look man it's funny to me, ok??? This is a request, and I'll probably tag who requested later but for now enjoy please! If there's any feedback you have, talk to me about it!! I'm new to this stuff. Requested by @Thesalty_squid

(Y/N): Your Name
(Y/H): hair description
(I/O): Inkling or Octoling
(M/W): Main Weapon
3rd POV

    A rather timid (Y/H) (Y/N) walked up to the crowd, trying to see if it was really h i m. An extremely obnoxious inkling with goggles and an idiotic smile walked right past you. He seemed to give off an accident-prone aura, which warded the crowd away almost immediately.Whispers about the 'idiot team leader' started to commence. (Y/N), on the other hand, was frozen. Right in front of her was her all time idol, Rider. Not only did he main a dynamo, but he seemed to have mastered the (M/W) with an art.

Normally, (Y/N) would be on the sidelines watching turf wars, most of which consisted of Rider when they decided to observe matches. Shoot, they'd even manage to catch a glimpse of him training every so often when they went out to train themselves. It wasn't in a stalking manner, it was more of the fact that he was constantly fighting, training, or in quite a few cases both. However, as much as (Y/N) admired Rider, they could never muster up the courage to even talk to him. Luckily, it was as if they were a ghost he couldn't see. He seemed to never even acknowledge their presence.

That is, until he finally saw (Y/N) right in front of him standing rather awkwardly. As he was taking in the visual perfection (Y/N) seemed to hold, Goggles, the inkling everyone would learn the name of from Rider's death threats, pulled Rider's shorts down. "I'LL KILL YOU GOGGLES I SWEAR TO COD YOU'RE GONNA BE NOTHING NOT EVEN INK YOU MOTHERFU-"

(Y/N) blocked out that last bit as they realized, in all his glory, Rider's appendage was right there. For the entire world. To see. Their face instantly glowed a furious (I/C). They took a second to snap their hands over their entire face.


(Y/N)'s POV

On the contrary, the immediate response that popped into my dumb stupid head was, 'Actually, there's quite a lot to see from the looks of it.' That only led to me being more flustered. After hearing a concerning amount of rustling, Rider mumbles that I could look now.

"I-I-I-I'm s-s-so sor-rr-ry ab-bout that I really d-didn't m-m-mean t-to look..." I whispered, face uncovered but looking at the ground instead of him.
"Hey hey hey, I shouldn't have yelled at you. That was super rude of me. I'm Rider. You're... that one (I/O) that trains with the (M/W) all the time right?" I simply replied with a muffled 'mhmm' so as to not further embarrass myself with that stupid stutter. I was beyond nervous, and my face remained a constant temperature of 'this bitch is litralee on f i r e'. "Why don't I ever see you in Turf War? You're really good. For someone so shy, that is."

As I looked up at the mention of Turf Wars, he wore a rather hot smirk. I blushed even m o r e, if that was even possible at this point. "... (Y/N)..." I whispered.
"What was that? You're gonna have to speak louder."
"... (Y/N)..." I said just a smidge louder. He seemed to be thinking about it, and then smiled with a slight blush.

Rider's POV

That has got to be the cutest name. Fits for such an adorable (I/O). I just had to taste it.

"(Y/N)... (Y/N)... Well (Y/N), it looks like I'll be seeing a lot more of you." I snatched a napkin from an empty table nearby and quickly wrote my number down. "I'd love to hear more of that voice too." I finished with a wink, internally hoping I'd get the response I found myself in love with. Sure enough, (Y/N)'s entire body was shaking from the pure shock they were in. "I've got to go now. See you later, lovely."

"B-bye Rider!" When (Y/N) said my name, I stopped dead in my tracks. It was so... Nice to hear. If only I got to hear it more. With my back still turned, I continued walking albeit my own embarrassment being clear on my face.

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