Emperor X Shy! Fem! Octoling! Reader

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Pairing: Emperor (m) X Shy! Fem! Octoling! Reader

Title: Mine Now, Thank You Very Much

A/N: Requested by a lovely new follower of mine, Izuchanbae  I was debating on making a vintage OR emperor, so this actually works out perfectly for me! Feel free to DM ME PLEASE I AM SO BORED AND LONELY!! I'LL DO ANY PAIRING JUST FOR COD'S SAKES TALK TO MEEEEE!! Oh and one more thing; if you enjoy my works, feel free to follow and vote! Comment for criticism or just comment if like, you have a funny meme reference. I'm thinking about creating OC's and uh I'm a big Harry Potter fan so I'll have a fanfic book out soon too. ENJOY LOVELIES!!

(Y/N)'s POV

One of my best friends had an official team, and I couldn't help but admit that they were really good. Team Hachi had the best, strongest Octolings to ever grace the planet! And then there's me. Weak, small, shy little (Y/N). In contrast to Hachi and the rest of his teams, I wasn't in the frontlines of the Octarian Army. I simply couldn't bring myself to do any harm to the poor Inklings when they didn't even do anything wrong. So here I am, just sitting in the café Spyke frequented sipping on a (C/D) while playing games on my phone to pass the time. It started getting lonely at the campsite, with everyone else constantly battling in Turf Wars and whatnot.

Speaking of Hachi, here he comes now! I could sense that innocent face from a mile away, considering that oddly charming aura Hachi had.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! We lost today! Can you believe it?!" Hachi was... Bragging? About losing?

Unlike Hachi, I was definitely the more... Realistic Octoling out of us five. I wasn't necessarily pessimistic, but I definitely wasn't smiling all the time. It's too nerve-wracking, especially in front of other cephalopods I don't even know. "H-Hachi, I don't know i-if that's something to be proud of." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Oh (Y/N) it was so cool! You gotta try it! Just once! It's so much fun! Do you still have your octoshot? You and I could go solo on a couple of Turf War rounds! Oh, please, please, pleaaaaaaaase?" Hachi was sprawled across the small table I occupied, knowing it was hard for me to say no. As I heard the surrounding Inklings start to whisper, I suddenly got super scared.

"Hachi, I don't know. I don't even know how to play! Plus, I heard there's a job offer right now. I think the company is called... Grizzco? I heard some weird things on the other side of DECA towers, and I think that's where you go to sign up." I was in desperate need of money, and I didn't like having to constantly leech off of the others. I felt so bothersome, and I know I'm not very good with others but I need to do what I must do I can be an independent person.

"Oh, but (Y/N), are you sure? Because of... Ya know... Your... Uh..."

"Well I saw on the ad I don't even have to talk to my coworkers! And they're simple shifts. Sketchy, but if it's not attracting much attention then I don't really see the problem with it."

"Do you at least want one of us to go with you?" Nana asked, worried about me.

"U-um, if you guys want."

"Well, all three of us are tired but maybe Hachi will join?" Nana tapped Hachi on the shoulders, catching him off-guard as he seemed to be staring at something. Or rather, a whole team of Inklings.

"Sure, sure." He was still a bit distant, but (Y/N) didn't mind. As long as I wasn't alone in a group of strangers. "Hey (Y/N), is it just me or is that the one team Emperor everyone has been talking about lately?"

I turned, and just in time too. I made eye contact with a confident-looking Inkling with a cuff and a strikingly hot smile. Wait, did I just say hot?! DID HE JUST WINK AT ME?

"(Y/N) why are you blushing?" Hachi asked, poking my (I/C) hot cheeks.


~Timeskip brought to you by a boring introduction to Salmon Runs~

'Okay, I think I've got the hang of it now.' I thought to myself.

"Ready to catch some eggs (Y/N)?!"

"I'll be r-right there Hachi!" I replied with a slight stutter, hearing someone come up to the boat with their boots squeaking. As I pulled mine on, I noticed the pair of boots squeaking stopped right before me. I slowly looked up only to see...

"Hello there princess, what's your name?"

I've never screamed so loud in my life. Fortunately, we got super jumped over to where we were stationed for this shift, and got straight to work as me, Hachi, and THE FREAKING EMPEROR along with that Mask squid went straight to work.

I got caught up in my own thoughts and didn't realize there was a chum right behind me. As I felt something hit my ankle, I jumped and screamed immediately. Emperor used his dualies to dash jump over and splat the baby salmonid.

"Say, beautiful, you never told me what your name was. Oh, and you're welcome. I couldn't just sit there and watch you get harassed by such filthy creatures."

I stuttered for quite a bit and decided to just put my head down and attack the final salmon boss, ending the final wave. We all super jumped back to the boat and started to get changed back into our regular gear. We all went into the separate rooms to change, and I had just got the top off when my door opened all of a sudden.

"U-uh s-s-someone's in here!" I screamed, internally cursing my dumb stutter. Why can't I just be normal?

"Don't worry, you still have an undershirt on. Plus, I refuse to leave until you tell me your name." It was Emperor. Of course. His demanding glare softened as I had instinctively covered as much of myself as possible. "Oh, don't hide yourself you're beautiful! Plus I won't harm you. You're too precious of an Octoling for me to do such a thing. It's very un-kingly of me."

"(Y/N). M-m-my n-name is (Y-(Y/N)."

"How beautiful. If I may, can I tell you the cutest thing about you?" I'd be lying if his question didn't catch me even more off-guard than I was. I quickly slipped on my (gear) and nodded, sitting down on the counter gently. "Your eyes. And your ears too! They're such adorable features! I admire you a lot."

"Th-th-thank y-you Emperor." Dang it, why must I stutter?

He offered his hand. "Shall we leave? I believe we're back in Inkipolis."

"O-okay." I nervously took his hand and he helped me down, and then led me off the boat not letting go the entire time.

"There you are! Mask and I were looking for you two! We thought we left you behind, we were so worried." Hachi exclaimed, not noticing our hands, which were still holding onto each other.

"Isn't it obviouuuuus? They were totallyyyyyy making oooouuuuut." Mask declared.

"N-no! He just wanted to meet me f-f-formally!" I argued.

"Well that, and declare you as my queen. Oh yeah, that's right, I forgot to mention; you're mine now. If you'd like." The last part seemed more of a demand than a kind gesture. I didn't trust my words so I simply tugged him closer. Emperor then wrapped his arm around my waist and and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Good."

"So what now?" Hachi asked, very lost and not having a clue what's even going on.

"I'll be taking her to my place after she grabs her things, Hachi. It was nice seeing you all, but my queen and I must go now as we have lots to discuss. I think I've found my love at last." He looked at me and winked at that last part. "Oh, I hope you don't mind but you'll be living with me now. Surely there is no safer and better kingdom than mine."

"O-okay! I-I-I um, I l-l-l"

"I love you too." He finished, saving me from further embarrassment. But let's be honest, I've been blushing ever since Hachi and I left the café.

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