Vintage x Reader SOULMATE! AU

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Pairing: Vintage (m) x Reader (n/a) *YARN! SOULMATE! AU*

Title: Bound To You

A/N: Before you start reading, I just want to thank you. Yes, you. I never dreamed of getting more than 100 reads here on Wattpad, not to mention 1,036. I write these requests because they're good exercise. In all honesty, romance is my weakest portion in writing when it comes to conducting a full blown book. I've had several ideas ever since I was little, and always dreamed to write. So yeah, when I read the comments some people leave complimenting any of my pieces, it truly warms my deathly cold heart. Perhaps I'll put some of my short horror stories on here one day. That being said, please take note of what this AU is if you're reading a soulmate/yarn AU for the first time.
AU stands for 'Alternate Universe', and attributed to many head-canons Fanfiction creators dream of. Soulmate AUs typically result in two people meeting each other by chance, realizing they were born to be with each other forever romantically, and prove that love does exist. The yarn AU simply means (at least, in my past reading experience) that two people are connected by a harmless red string that can never be broken. The string will shorten and lengthen automatically based on the closeness of the two physically connected individuals. How cute!
Alrighty I hope I haven't talked too much. Enjoy!

(Y/N): Your Name
(I/O): Inkling/Octoling

3rd POV

X-Blood stalks the shadows in the alleyway near the metro train station. While the rest of the team had found their soulmate, Vintage was yet to find his. As their busy schedule finally opened up on this fateful day, the team decided to help their fearless leader conquer the one thing he feared; love. It was something simply beyond him in his mind.

That damned red string, though. It was taunting him every single day. It was so messy, it was as if he had literally no chance at finding who was connected at the other end. So harmless, yet so evil.

"You gonna keep glaring at it or are you gonna follow it to find the end to your yellow brick road?" Double-Egg had quipped.

"Isn't that what you guys are supposed to help me with? Plus, how am I supposed to do anything with it being so knotted?" Vintage looked down, wishing things would just go away. If it were up to him, he would just pretend it never existed. However, its imperfection with the jumbled, rambunctious mess of a string there was simply nothing he could do. He tried cutting it with a pair of scissors last week, but it turns out only he (and who he can assume as the other person connected to it) could physically touch it.

"If only we could clear this big crowd," Double-Egg muttered. "Perhaps we could, like, interview each cephalopod one-by-one?"

"No. There's no way that my so-called "soulmate" is anything below an X-ranked, killing machine."

"So you're saying you want your significant other to kill you? That's beyond kinky, bro."

Vintage simply sighed impatiently. Arguing back and forth isn't gonna do anything. "Whatever. I'm gonna go get a cup of black coffee." And with that, Vintage walked away. The rest of the team just shrugged and figured they should give him a little bit of alone time. They couldn't have been anymore wrong.

~Just a small timeskip to where Vintage is now drinking coffee peacefully at the edge of the café facing the windows to the outside world~

Vintage's phone gave a small ding, alerting him of a text from Double-Egg. He opened it with hesitance, not wanting to deal with his stupidity at the moment. However, it was much worse.

Egghead: b r o
Egghead: b r o

*Read by Vintage*

Vintage: What?

Egghead: b r o
Egghead: We're not ranked #1 anymore. Not a single one of us.

Vintage: What on Earth are you even talking about?

Egghead: turns out, that one jerk that bumped into u and didnt say sorry wuz THE (Y/N)!!!!!! get this theyre ranked number one on the list right now i emailed u the link.

Vintage: Looking at it right now. So what now?

Egghead: u should ask them out
Egghead: that way we can get all the insider info
Egghead: im brilleeant i no

Vintage: brilliant* know** and no you're quite stupid actually. Why would I ever ask them o u t ?

Egghead: well 1 there sitting next to u and too their staring at u and trre look at ur pinkee

Vintage: I don't even wanna begin to correct your pathetic grammar...

Egghead: HEY

*Read by Vintage*

Vintage coyly put his phone down and looked to his left, to see what once infuriated him to be linked to a graceful-looking (I/O). He was at a loss of words so he just chose to stare at them.

"You're the one I have to go against tomorrow? But you look so... Intimidated by me. Aren't you like half my height?" The (I/O) said.

"I uh" Vintage was still trying to gather his thoughts, let alone words to speak with.

"(Y/N). My name, that is. And your soulmate too, apparently. Are you just gonna gawk are me or what? Am I really that unattractive? Or am I just too scary? I get that a lot, so it's okay if you are I guess," (Y/N) chuckled lightly. "I didn't realize you'd be mine at first either. If it wasn't for your friend out there drooling and spazzing on the window, I would've said nothing and left."

"I'm uh, Vintage. Are you... Real?"

"I hope I'm real. And I hope this is real too. Because if isn't, I just risked talking to someone visually out of my league for nothing."

"If anything, I'm inferior to you. Visually, that is. Skill-wise, I could crush you any day." Smiling at the end of his sentence, he was internally confused as to why (Y/N) looked like they were about to bust out laughing.

"Was that supposed to sound threatening? Because it almost sounded like you were referring to something else the way you practically purred that last bit out." Vintage had enough of the subtle banter from (Y/N), and decided that just this one time he will let emotions slide and take control.

Vintage lightly grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and pulled them closer to him. "Do I... Love you?" He whispered.

"Why are you asking me? Find out yourself," (Y/N) laughed lightly at their amazing level of sarcasm, but held a sad smile. "Unless you don't want to have this experience with me."

"No no no," Vintage subconsciously gripped tighter on (Y/N)'s hand, pushing them to blush very vibrant shades. "I do want to. I just... I'm not sure if I believe this is true. Can I kiss you? To find out, of course."

"Go for i-" (Y/N) was cut off by Vintage eagerly but gently pressing his lips onto theirs. It felt magical to the both of them, and they chose to continue the physical action, not realizing they're still in public and Double-Egg is still watching with odd expressions.

Muffled by the window, they could barely hear the "You go bro get that smooch mmmmm".

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