"Court Is Now In Session"

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phoenix did his best too ignored all the stares he got when he got inside of the courthouse, everyone in the gallery was just staring at him and mumbling to one another, ...all the them were in shock that the phoenix wright, the most terrifying defense attorney in the whole district was back in court after the re-trial of AL-9 was back 

he slammed down his bag on the bench, took out his notebook and pen, ready for anything, he shot godot an glare full of venom and despise, he only frowned back at him, his eyes glaring at him threw his mask, ...he was gonna crush that caffeine addict

when the judge came back in, phoenix was expecting the judge miles had assigned for the first trial, ..but nope, it was the same old judge from all of his trials, ...and though phoenix would never admit it out-loud, ..his favourite judge..., the judge took his gavel, and his eyes widen when he saw who was standing at the defense's bench

'o-oh my!, mr wright!, your back!!'


he responded with only one word, ..then just out of curiosity, he asked

'why are you by the way?'

'Who? Me? Well, my little brother came to visit me in my chambers earlier this morning. All of a sudden, in the blink of an eye, he developed a scorching fever and fainted! Therefore, I'll be standing in for him'

phoenix was a little taken aback by that, not sure on how to react or even think, so they were brothers...that explained a lot of things

'My poor brother. He looked a bit pale, not to mention sad that he couldn't be here'

the judge grimly sighed, phoenix just gave him a "that's rough buddy" look while godot jsut started speaking in confusing rythmes

'It is impossible to predict what the future has in store for any of us. This is precisely why people feel the need to judge the past. And we of the court have been charged with the solemn duty of passing such judgment'

the judge took in his words, ..and nodded, ..though he was still upset at godot for his past actions against mr wright, ..he had to admit, those were well spoken words

'...Well said, Mr. Godot. I understood exactly what you said... at least up until the end, anyway. Now then, Mr. Godot. Please proceed with your opening statement'

he allowed, with a slight warning tone, phoenix was almost prepared for him to expose his traumatizing past once again

'..Humans are fragile, fickle beings. Our hearts change with the shifting of the tides. There is only one thing that remains a constant in this crazy world... The bitter darkness that lies at the bottom of this mug'

the judge blinked in confusion trying to understand what godot had just spat out, as phoenix gritted his teeth in frustration

'So then you mean...? Um... Forget it. What do you mean?'

he asked, giving up on trying to understand this mans nonsense, godot suppressed a sigh as he explained it

'During yesterday's trial, the accused refused to admit her role in the crime. But today, she has had a change of heart... Sister Iris of Hazakura Temple has a confession to make'

'C-Confession...! Th-The defendant...?'

the judge stuttered out, phoenix's eyes widen in surprise as he gritted his teeth tighter, ..why didn't that girl say anything sooner?!, the court started to mutter a little as the judge cleared his throat

'Very well. This court will now hear the defendant's confession!'

"..it's like last time all over again, ...unexpected confessions, and. i have to deal with the pain.."

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