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(This is a very short chapter)

Written after the release of Chapter 4

Zeldris and Gelda sent a letter to Meliodas saying that they will be paying them a visit. Tristan is so excited because he gets to see his uncle and aunt and of course his cousin Beatrix again.

(Beatrix is the name for Zeldris and Gelda's kid on Tumblr and I'm gonna use that)

The moment the family of three arrived in Liones. Meliodas literally dragged Zeldris with him to have some "bonding time". Gelda is having a girl chat with Elizabeth and Tristan and Beatrix are telling stories about what happened to them.

"I'm thirsty, wait here a second I'll be right back." Beatrix giggled and went outside of the room she's playing with Tristan and after a few seconds, she went back holding a glass filled with a red substance and short straw.

Tristan saw this and freaked out.

"OH MY GOD!!! IS THAT BLOOD!!! ARE YOU DRINKING BLOOD??!!" Tristan screamed and ran outside to call for his father leaving a very confused Beatrix.

Tristan ran over to Meliodas who are with Zeldris, Gelda, and Elizabeth.

"Papa!!! Beatrix's drinking blood!!!" Tristan screamed, tears dripping down his face with a completely horrified expression.

Meliodas tilted his head in confusion.

"Of course she's drinking blood. she's half-vampire after all." Meliodas replied.

Tristan stared at his father for a few seconds before speaking.

"Right, I totally forgot." Tristan said which erupted a sea of laughter from the adults.

Just in time, Beatrix walked in, still holding the glass filled with blood.

"Mommy, What's wrong with Tristan?" Beatrix asked her mother.

"Nothing sweetie, he just forgot you're half-vampire and drinks blood." Gelda replied.

"That explains the shouting when he saw my glass." Beatrix nodded and looked at the half-empty glass of blood she's holding.

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